500 years after the Lutheran reformation, about half of the priests in Sweden are women, and if this tendency goes on, they will become a majority. In a society famous for being one of the most equalitarian in the world, a woman is the Archbishop and has welcomed the pope Francis and it’s a lesbian woman who’s the bishop of the capital’s diocese.
In 2018, it will be 60 years that the decision to ordain women was made. Since 1958, Sweden has evolved in many aspects, as has the place of the priests in society. Did the role of the priest in Sweden change because more and more women answered the call, or is it that more women became priests because the profession and the image have evolved with society?
[Published in the review 6 Mois #14, sept. 2017]
[Published in The New York Times – Nov. 4th 2018]
Stories | Tags: Church of Sweden, priest, religion.
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