i know i shouldn’t, but this old topic has to come up to my mind regularly, or i’d lose myself and the little insight that i have on myself.
what if suddenly, i stopped moving, and stayed still until everthing – doesn’t – come to me ?
what if suddenly, i stopped struggling for some hypothetical results, a distant future that i can never guess ?
what if suddenly, i stopped being convinced that my eye worth more than just anybody’s eye ?
what if suddenly, i stopped believing that i’m an artist ?
what if suddenly, i stopped trusting my good fortune ?
what if suddenly, i stopped deciding every day when i wake up that i can’t let it down ?
what if suddenly, i stopped thinking that it’s just stronger than me ?

what if suddenly, i stopped having pictures in my head and tried to draw them with a camera ?

i want to tell you a story. a couple of weeks ago, i was trying to find sleep, it was very late, maybe three, maybe four, i don’t know, i had lost the count of the hours dangling in my room, slowly dropping from the darkness and getting my brain confused.
i had lost myself in thoughts, i was envisionning possibilities for this summer. would i be able to make it ? would it worth it ? did i have the shadow of a chance ? could it go as i wanted it ? i was worried, making counts of everything, remembering dates, schedules, prices, and to quit envisionning numbers frighteningly high, i started to imagine the kind of images i should/would/could make there, maybe.
and something precise came to me, i saw in black and white the face of a woman, sitting down with some papers in her hands. she was some singer, and i was standing a few meters from her, looking at her lost in her thoughts. as i decided to picture her, and aimed at her from my side of the lens, a man dressed in black came in my frame from the left between us, just as she suddenly stared at me, and i pressed the shutter-release slowly.
on the picture, her face was cut in half by the man, and one of her intense eyes was still gazing at me.

i played with this imaginary picture like a toy until i found sleep, eventually, sometimes later. then i forgot it.

last friday, i was playing with my camera backstage, and i made the picture you can see tonight. it’s not finished, because no one is staring at me, but it just a matter of time.
but what bothers me tonight is : what if suddenly, i stopped having pictures in my head and tried to draw them with a camera ?

4 blablas sympas

mercredi, 28 janvier 2004

Why wondering about things that won’t happen ?…


mercredi, 28 janvier 2004

because i have too much wondering-time in my hands, i suppose ;)
seriously now, i don’t know, i’m just afraid that one day, i’ll lose it, i’ll lose this capacity, this talent. it comes from god knows where, and i don’t know if it’s here to stay or if my days with it are numbered.
yet, i probably shouldn’t worry and enjoy it at its most while i can.

mercredi, 28 janvier 2004

well, I guess you have to learn that you don’t gEt talent but gOt it. what you gOt isn’t to be taken from you as long as it defines partly what you ARE. we can only lose what we get, not what we are…


jeudi, 29 janvier 2004

we can change, though, can’t we ?

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