(parce qu’on a beau dire, un p’tit cocoon crash tous les 3 mois, c’est ce qu’on peut trouver de meilleur pour sa t?te sur le march? ? ce prix :D)

Bravely I look further than I see
Knowing things
I know I cannot be, not now
I’m so aware of where I am, but I don’t know where that is
And there’s something right in front of me and I

Touch the fingers of my hand
And I wonder if it’s me
Holding on and on to
Theories of prosperity
Someone who can promise me
I believe in me

Tomorrow I was nothing, yesterday I’ll be
Time has fooled me into thinking it’s a part of me
Nothing in this room but empty space
No me, no world, no mind, no face

Touch the fingers of my hand and tell me if it’s me
Holding on and on to
Love, what else is real
A religion that appeals to me
I believe in me

Can you turn me off for just a second, please
Turn me into something faceless, weightless, mindless, homeless
Vacuum state of peace

On and on and on and on and on and on and on and on
I believe in me
Wait for me, I’m nothing on my own
I’m willing to go on, but not alone, not now
I’m so aware of everything, but nothing seems for real and
As long as you’re in front of me then I’ll

I watch the fingers of my hands
And I’m grateful that it’s me
Holding on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on
I believe in me…

k’s choice – believe

4 blablas sympas


mercredi, 10 mars 2004

bon kom j’ai pas de news par le phone, je passe sur ton blog!
Alors comment ?a va bien?
Bon je vais pas ecrire bcp pke sinon je v? mettre plein de connerie encore!!
Continue ? ecrire sur ton blog moi c comme ?a ke je prends des news de toi!!

mercredi, 10 mars 2004

ah, the good ol’ days revisited. i guess you can never give up on k’s (keep that in mind when you receive a certain package from america that a certain american hasn’t had the money to send quite yet…soon). you gotta miss the k’s days a little.


jeudi, 11 mars 2004

yo amadou, j’ai juste pas une minute ? moi en ce moment, mais promis, je trouve le temps de te voir pour prendre un pot un de ces quatre, ?a te dit ? ;)


jeudi, 11 mars 2004

ooooh, sara, i’m surprised, i thought you told me you needed my post address for just no reason at all ;)
and yes, i do miss the ol’ k’s days sometimes and more than a little. but is it strange that i feel the need to listen to their records mostly when i’m in odd moods and weird states of mind ?…

dire un truc ?