possibly, about 99,99% of the people who went to Pink’s show in paris bercy tonight would consider that it was :
– damn great
– whooo sooo sexxxy (and that would be meant as an understatement)
– amazing
– a blast
– an hour and a half of intense fun
– just awe-some !
but if you ask me, i’d say honestly that it was probably cute, and indeniably funny.
and maybe, that’s just what it was supposed to be. cute and funny.
cute, like…when six years old kids act in school plays, you know, you watch and you can’t help but smile, because it’s cute, because you know they’ve worked on it and are doing their best…
and funny, like…some dirty joke about blondes. it’s tasteless and second degree, so you can’t help but laugh.
i know i’m being a brat here, because the ticket for the show was a birthday present from my best friends, but i love good music and shows too much to avoid being honest about it.
ok. so the show in itself wasn’t bad technically speaking, there were musicians, and they were pretty good, and there were three dancers who were simply gorgeous, and another singer who wasn’t bad, and the lights were pretty much okay too, and the show direction was energetic enough to avoid complete boredom…ok. i’ll give credit for that.
the thing is that musically speaking, it’s bullshit. i knew a few songs from both albums already, and they didn’t bother me too much, so i thought that maybe it could get interesting on stage.
honest, it was something between worse and really worse. it’s just always the same. so since i couldn’t really enjoy the music, cause there was nothing interesting to listen to, i looked attentively at the show in itself, the stage lights and decorations, the dancers, the make-ups and costumes, and all this kind of stuff, except that when you’re in the middle of a hysterical crowd, it’s hard to see anything and detach yourself from everything.
so i watched.
a bit like a scientist would study the mechanisms of the sexual parade of strange birds species.
or like a scientist looking at an ovula and a spermatozoon with a microscope and thinking whoo-ho, boy, this is getting dirtyyyy, when pink sang trouble, dancing with her dancers lasciviously in bras and strings, just like they were about to have sex on bercy’s stage in front of 10000 people.
but i mean, what the hell is sexy in women that, when they open their legs, you can almost see the bottom of their throat ?
had she asked at the end of the song to those who were turned on to raise a hand, she might have had, for the only time during the whole show, 9999 hands up. she just said on a kinky tone « hey guys, can you still breathe ? »
i just sighed at this point, because the only things that have left completely breatheless during a concert were sarah bettens covering landslide or singing winners, the indigo girls playing starkville, or buck 65 deep voice, or truffaz trumpet…
yeah, yeah, maybe it’s just me, okay, oh-fucking-well.
there is one positive note, though. yeah, there’s one thing that i liked pretty much. around the middle of the show, they closed a curtain and the stage was hidden, a couple a stools were installed at the front and the guitarist came back with an accoustic guitar as Pink started to sing a medley of a few Janis Joplin songs. and THAT has been the only moment when her gorgeous sexy throat voice was able to carry something i would call a hint of emotion, when she looked like maybe, she wasn’t that uninteresting a singer after all, when she could be, sometimes, something else that an ass and tits moving on a stage…
but except that, what to say ? that Pink dressed with a burnt american flag looks just like a potatoe bag ? that yes, she’s fuckable objectively speaking, but what’s attractive in a woman that a bizillion people have seen half naked on tv ? that it wasn’t a concert so to speak, but merely a show, such as those you can see on mtv when you’re really really bored late at night, and that i’m lucky that the ticket was a gift ?
all in all, i didn’t have a bad time, it’s just that as i expected nothing precisely, it would have been great to be nicely surprised, but unfortunately, Pink’s show is like any other show i wouldn’t pay my ticket to go to : photographically funny to consider, but a waste of time, money, energy otherwise.
next time you go to Bercy, it simply has to be for radiohead or Placebo and you’ll see what a huge concert in a huge hall is… ;)
yay ! that would certainly be f…. awesome and not just oh-well-cute-funny ;)
radiohead ? placebo ? mais c’est completement outdated tout ?a ;P
ben t’as qu’? dire qu’on est ringardes aussi ! ;)
mon cher enfant, il y a des groupes qui ne s’outdatent jamais ;p crois-en l’experience de ta vieille soeur et de ses vieilles amies…
ou?, King Crimson, Frank Zappa, Def Lepphard, les Bizzaro Brothers, les Butthole Surfers, Warren Zevon, Blue Oyster Cult … ?a c’est des groupes qui seront toujours ? la mode dans 30 ans !
Guster aussi c’est bien =)
oui, alors, hein, bon, tout le monde n’a pas la chance d’avoir un 140 Go, ok? ?
pourquoi un seul 140Go quand on peut avoir 440Go ?
(bon, ok? c’est 3 disques)
h? h? h? h? h
pouarf, piti scorpion ! ;)