i know, i know, you guys all wanted to come to see my exhibition last week.
i know, i know, none of you could.
i know, i know, you were all busy and all while the most interesting event of the week occured and it’s not your fault.
that’s why i’ve put the pictures on my website tonight.
but i’m warnin’ ya, i’ll be waiting for y’all next time i make an exhibition in the toilets of a nightclub, better be there !
et moi, j’ai une excuse ?
(les photos sont grogeous, mais faudra que je t’en parle plus pr?cis?ment, j’ai un petit avis l? dessus)
love those pictures. sorry you didn’t tell me which day it was…
no, L., don’t you be sorry, i’m very sorry that i assumed that you’d be too busy, and that you wouldn’t be very interested in watching a few prints hanged on the walls of the toilets of a nightclub… i promise that at least, i’ll leave you the choice next time…
…and thanks ;)
-ju : I thought you knew you are one of the persons for whom I do take time… event though I should sleep less. call me next time. please.
I meant « even though » and not « event though ». sorry for that mistake.
i’m hoping i have a decent excuse…
lol sara, i certainly hope so, too :p
(what ? 10000 km ? what kind of excuse is THAT ? :D)
and L., i’m gonna keep you posted, i promise ;)