okay, take a hundred average morons, in a street at night.
tell them all one by one to walk straight ahead casually, and not throw curious looks in the little street on their left, therefore, NOT to look at the camera. they all have about ten meters to walk in the field…

you have good chances to get :
– 75% of the morons who’ll ask you if there’s a famous actor/actress around, and who it is. (c’mon you morons, did you see vans, the police, big lights and cables, walkie talkies and a fifty people crew anywhere near ?)
– 50% of the morons who’ll ask what tv channel it’s for. (generally, they’re pretty much the same as above)
– 80% who’ll say yep, sure, and right in the middle of the field, will walk a lot more slowly, while staring where they shouldn’t.
– 5% who won’t listen to you, and will completely stop before being out of the field, and of course, stare as if it would make them famous or anything.
– 2% who’ll bullshit you about not wanting to be seen if they’re not credited, saying that’s it’s illegal and all, and in those 2%, about 50% won’t want to wait patiently for a minute…
– 2% will precisely want to walk in the street where the scene is, and of course, 0% among them will ask you when they can walk there…
– 2% will say they’ll wait and ask you to say in the credits « thanks to… for waiting patiently »
– about 1% will be drunk and make a fuss about young people making a movie…
– another 1% will be interested and very careful not to disturb, and before leaving, you can just go and ask him for a cigarette, he’s so mesmerized by the set that he won’t say no.
– 2% will have a car they’ll stop just at the intersection to have a look and make a lot of unwelcomed noise.
– 1% will answer you in chinese/bulgarian/hebrew…(cross off the useless mention)
– 2% will walk by a couple of times, despite your tries to stop them.

– but at last, only about 10% of the morons will do as told, walk casually straight ahead without staring at the camera and mind their own fucking business and respect your own fucking business without thinking that if they stay around for long enough or say hi to the camera, they’ll be on tv and be famous and credited with their names in big and golden letters somehwere…

sometimes, i wonder where my faith in humankind has gone…

3 blablas sympas

jeudi, 25 mars 2004

?a fait plus de 100%, ?a, non ?


des fois, je t’envie vraiment.

Mais alors, vraiment !

(? propos, tu serais capable de m’accueillir quelques jours durant la premiere semaine des vacs de paques ? pasque je risque d’avoir des entretiens pour stage …. :)

jte dirai les dates ;)


jeudi, 25 mars 2004

ah ben ou?, mais y’en a qui cumulent :D

et pis ouais, pas de pb, tu me dis quand ou et comment, et on devrait pouvoir s’arranger ;)

vendredi, 26 mars 2004

‘rci sister =)


dire un truc ?