ok. say you’ve got a job. say you’ve got assignements for your job. interesting ones. less interesting ones.
say some pay more than others.
now, if you got, say, a hundred assignements a year, it’s kinda statistical that you have to screw up at least one of them.
what i mean by screwing up is really screwing up, i mean, bad lucks happens right ? so screwing up like really fucking up, like doing completely wrong, like making a huge mistake, like having nothing at all to show or to sell.
on about a hundred assignements, like i said, it has to happen. at least once. nobody’s perfect, so it really has to happen at least once, even if you’re good at your job.

now, say that your assignements kinda grow bigger and bigger, they’re not necessarily more interesting, but say that they involve more money, more people, more responsabilities each time.

so, if you screw up when your assignement is a small task, it’s kinda better than if it’s a big one, right ?
but if you’re up to your ninety-ninth assignement, and you still haven’t screwed up big time even once, then you really gotta worry about your hundred-th-whatever, right ?

my point being, my assignements are beginning to be a little bit big – for me that is -, and i still haven’t really badly fucked up a job i was given.
shall i deliberately screw up the next one, just to be sure that i’ll have less chances, statistically speaking, to screw up a bigger one ?
or shall i just keep on doing my best until i fuck up a one bizillion bucks contract ?


9 blablas sympas


mercredi, 5 mai 2004

lol juju…you know how it is with you and statistics he :P I might think all the bad luck you can have statistically is over already :P That is, if we go by the good ol danish stats, no?


mercredi, 5 mai 2004

aaah the good ol’ danish stats ! where’d we go without them, eh ? ;)
yeah they work pretty well for love/crushes/whatever, now let’s see what they can predict for work :p


mercredi, 5 mai 2004

and btw, yours stats first said that it can’t go wrong the same way twice, while mine said that if it’s gone wrong once, then anything more or less the same will.
hihi ;)

mercredi, 5 mai 2004

h?b? tu fais comme les shadoks…si tu dois rater 1 boulot sur 1000, tu fais 999 jobs, et tu saura que le dernier devra ?tre loup?….


mercredi, 5 mai 2004

lol, ou?, c’est le corollaire au : plus ?a rate, plus ?a a de chances de r?ussir :D

mercredi, 5 mai 2004

?a, c’est encore petit joueur…
mais r?fl?chis bien, les boulots que tu rates, c’est pas parce qu’ils sont plus gros ou moins gros, ?a n’a aucun rapport… c’est parce qu’ils sont moins bons que les autres, par d?finition. Donc imagine, tu peux tout ? fait prendre le parti de ne rater que tes mauvais boulots!
voir m?me, ne rater que tes mauvaises photos!


mercredi, 5 mai 2004

ne rater que mes mauvaises photos…
?a me parait une bien meilleure id?e que rater mes bonnes photos, c s?r :p

mercredi, 5 mai 2004

bof, si tu t’ent?tes ? vouloir rater quelques chose, tu te prends un jetable, tu photographies n’importe quoi en route vers ‘the big job’ tu le mets ? la poubelle et hop !
au moins tu crois ?tre ? l’abri :D


jeudi, 6 mai 2004

moui…mais c’est vrai que plus j’y pense, plus je me dis que louper volontairement un truc, c’est qd m?me vachement con. m?me si je disais ?a en d?connant. ;)
le meilleur, c’est l’effet de surprise, si c’est voulu, ?a g?che tout :p

dire un truc ?