life is weird.

like, for instance, wearing a black tie and a white shirt at a party can raise de following questions from certain people :
* can i see you again ?
* where will you be on saturday night ?
* will you throw away my number if i give it to you ?
* will you call me ?
* please ?

just keep in mind that life is weird.

4 blablas sympas

jeudi, 24 juin 2004

OK, now I need a black tie :-)


vendredi, 25 juin 2004

hihi, possibly.
but i didn’t mention that i was also wearing a black suit and sunglasses. (why that would be a long story, but yeah, a black tie makes the difference if you want to be hit on – and even if you don’t, actually)
the real question though is : what am i going to do with that phone number ?
i wish i had a brain.

samedi, 26 juin 2004

dial it ?


samedi, 26 juin 2004

mdr !
sent an sms…apparently, it didn’t arrive yet.
man, that really worth the trouble :|

dire un truc ?