* i’m just back from the photo shooting with radio 4.
with any luck, now my stomach is going to allow me to eat a breakfast and a lunch at last.
how’s that it’s almost dinner time ?

* i’ve read my Elle horoscope earlier today, and it said « some change is coming, if you’re single, get ready for L O V E… », then i went to read my yahoo horoscope but it said that « a new ‘love’ element is coming » this week and i’m thinking about wednesday night, and now i want to run to iceland and live in an igloo.
or something like that.
i think i’m going to get ready to be a sociopath. i don’t have the time or the energy for anything else.

* were michael and andrew really serious when they said without a single smile that they wanted to cover some eminem song sometimes ? especially after michael stated first that they didn’t make covers.
i’m lost in wonders.

* i’m taking the decision to download – in about ten years from now – some songs by avril lavigne, vincent delerm, indochine, britney spears, evanescence, the rasmus and the like, for a suckass-songs-ten-years-revival compilation.
if we’re still talking in ten years, please remind me to do it.

* six years ago, my best friend and i were gratuating from highschool, we wrote each other a note saying we’d meet in ten years from then, we set up a date and a place even. it was a bit cheesy, yeah.
i don’t remember what my note said to her, but hers says : you’ll make it, you’ll be someone, i trust you on that.
i’ve never forgotten our meeting plan, i wonder if she has.
and sometimes, i read her note, like her words of trust would help me to keep a promise that i’ve never made…

2 blablas sympas

samedi, 26 juin 2004

they were not serious : they hate eminem.


samedi, 26 juin 2004

ha ! i knew it !
hmm…that would explain andrew’s sardonic smile while i was doubtfully translating this answer…
they must have thought i was very very dumb :p

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