do we have only universal images in our heads, or can we create images ? or both ?
can we really invent something new ? aren’t we just recycling what we see, hear, taste, feel, which is to some extent, what other people can see, hear, or feel, and mainly what other people have already seen, heard, or felt ?
is originality still possible ? does pure invention exist ?
are we all copying from each other, adding and substracting subtle elements to make something our own ?
do we have the right to ask for recognition then ? do we even have the right to show it, to share it ? and furthermore, can we claim it as our own ?
where’s the point where influence begins, where’s the point when it’s not just strong influences anymore ?
can we be only inspired by something, and not try to reproduce it ?
is it dishonest to hide our points of origin ?
can we still be innovative, creative, in the pure sense ?
if i’m looking at a picture and i get that strange feeling that it looks too damn close to one of my own,
then how many people can look at my pictures and get that same strange feeling ?
is there really an unoriginal thought, even in those who actively and without apology imitate? is there a person in this world or ever who has seen the world from where you’re standing right now or at any moment?
even plagiarism is different in its intentions from the original.
j’ai l’impression curieuse d’avoir d?j? lu un texte de ce genre qq part. ;p
Tonton, not in english because of the shadow in the street night
Trouver Sara Moon (Day) ici m’a fait sourire… Et en plus, je suis d’accord.
je voudrais pouvoir parler plus de francais. (mais je comprends beaucoup ici…mais pas assez).
mdr tonton, pendant une minute, you know, je t’ai pris au s?rieux, no kiddin ! ;)
et merci avril d’avoir trouv? ?a, ?a me fait sourire aussi. j’avais d?j? dit que je suis terriblement admirative de sarah moon ?
and back to something more serious now. i wasn’t really questionnning the originality/unoriginality of thoughts themselves, but that’s a good point.
i have to agree that intentions makes every piece of art different from one another, but still, does it make a « copied » image purely original, just as the original could be as a matter of fact ?
then again, this orginal image could have been strongly inspired by another and so on, so what i’m really wondering — without having any answer — is the limits, like where’s the point where i can still say i’m inspired by something, where’s the point where people would say i’m a plagiarist ?