you are dying slowly at the edge of your precious salvation and it might take a while until you bring yourself down to your foundations the clamour has ceased suddenly and no bell will ever ring for what you have to leave now, you exhale your secrets to a crowd that never was interested, your regrets and all that you must forget like nothing will ever keep you quiet…
meanwhile you know we’re all trying, covered up with more and more layers to protect our think hard hearts from the same rain you thought you’d escape, and it is going to take a while until we come to find you up there and sit down and count with you what is made of the very last hour, some will say with resent that you never even tried to go further, me i will just call you the last day of the summer…
soundtrack : the bees – hourglass
Ouah comment ?a p?te, ?a fait ambiance ann?es 60 !
Nice « souvenir »…
thanks…and i have another nice souvenir to send to an adorable little girl. i thought i’d screwed up the pic but it turned out well.
et elixie, c’est le filtre photoshop « vintage beach pics » ;)
bon ok, en fait, pas du tout, c’est une id?e de mon ami vince que j’ai r?utilis?e, va voir l? :
(mais les siennes sont vachement mieux)
I’m a Chinese and I can only read the words you wrote in English:)
I like your pictures very much,they are pretty cool!!!
By the way, can you tell me what kind of camera and films do you use?