call for truce

it was buried under your faint smile, no other evidence you would have to show, perls of blood sparkled on your lips as your uttered again the words you’d rushed out last.
there would be no call this time — just like there hadn’t been before.
we’d seen each other by mistake in the room where no shadow ever crept — silent faces were hanging on the walls, fixed in an awkward pose ever since we had turned back, would they still be alive had we gone our way through another hall of glass ? we’d had the whole world then, and no place else to go.
now that you were wounded, you couldn’t stop your litany and i watched you wondering where you had gone wrong.
there would be no call this time and there hadn’t been before.
you caught your breath like one who fears drowning and i hoped at this moment that the flow would resume but what was buried under your fake smile was the sign that you would always surrender too soon.
a drizzle of light fell into the room and the phone rang and shrieked like it was in your head — i bid you farewell and you stared at your shoes, you realized then i’m what you can’t tame but it was understood we wouldn’t call it a truce.

soundtrack : radiohead – karma police

3 blablas sympas

mercredi, 13 octobre 2004

the phone rang and shrieked like it was in your head >> ?a j’aime beaucoup ! La photo as well, comment tu as fait pour ce flot de lumi?re ?

mercredi, 13 octobre 2004

ca fait bien plaisir de voir de nouveaux des photos sur ton blog… surtout des comme ca… excellent


vendredi, 15 octobre 2004

merci !
pour le flot de lumi?re…il ?tait d?j? l?, ? m’attendre gentiment, j’ai juste eu besoin de faire ma mesure de lumi?re sur l’int?rieur de la pi?ce en surexposant encore un peu, histoire que l’exterieur soit vraiment tr?s surexpos?…et comme j’ai fait ?a en num?rique, ?a a bien bav? sur l’?tag?re, bien comme il faut.

dire un truc ?