i have this feeling sometimes that i’m dying. slowly. second after second. picture after picture.
only to be born again. quickly. second after second. picture after picture.

i’ve held my breath i admit it. i always do. i always did.
now we’re caught in some kind of insomnia, always awake, unable to find some rest. we used to know much more than what we thought we did and much less than we hoped we did. how odd. i can’t remember anything.

it crawls up on me sometimes the same way i’m dreaming. and then i wake up. and then i notice that nothing has changed. did everything change ? i couldn’t watch it.

i’ve helped the count of days take my word for it. i’ve stretched it. until it broke.
now we’re caught in some kind of net, a spider web which we adore. we used to be much more free than we thought we were and much less than we hoped we’d be. how odd. i can remember you.

2 blablas sympas


vendredi, 22 octobre 2004

Ouaou! C’est eux, les Farfadets? Comme j’aurais aim? ?tre l?! J’adore ce genre de truc, mais par malheur la plupart du temps ils s’ex?cutent devant des d?cors trop distrayants…

Ta photo est g?niale! On peut sentir l’intense concentration qu’ils doivent conserver ? tout prix! Dis, tu en as d’autres?


vendredi, 22 octobre 2004

yep, ce sont eux. enfin deux d’entre eux.
en fait, le truc qui change, c’est que ce sont les costumes qui sont les principaux d?cors, en tout cas pour ce que j’en ai vu, c’est beau, mais sans surcharge, et ce sont eux qui captivent vraiment le regard. et je crois que le plus hallucinant, c’est l’apparente facilit? avec laquelle ils font ?a.

je trouve une autre photo pas trop floue et je la rajoute. (et merci ! ;))

dire un truc ?