eloges en loges

i told you i’m just a thief. worst of it, i don’t know how not to be one.

Eloges en loges – cr?ation styx th?atre

7 blablas sympas

dimanche, 31 octobre 2004

In my language, « thief » is said « magnifyer ». Amazing, isn’t it ?


lundi, 1 novembre 2004

amazing indeed. what would i be without what others are really creating, sharing with us and allowing me to steal ?

lundi, 1 novembre 2004

Excuse-me but what do these « other ones » do ? Apart from recycling themseves things that already exist as long as everything new has been originally created ? art now is recycling, reporting, transforming, finding new points of views. That’s exactly what you do, as every artist does.

lundi, 1 novembre 2004

U know, I firmly believe that, nowadays, art is not the material : art is the way we treat it.


lundi, 1 novembre 2004

i understand your point, it completely makes sense to me, but even if nothing’s ever new now in art, i still can’t help but feel that i « use » the ones i watch on stage, like bands or actors ; they perform, they give something to a public, me i just show up, i stand in the darkness and i take. i’m not complaining, it’s what i know how to do, it’s what i do best, but i’m feeling that it’s unfair. to do the artists justice, the only thing i can do is to place my expectations and ambitions for my pictures at the highest level i can, which is also why i’m rarely absolutely happy about a picture.

mardi, 2 novembre 2004

… quelquechose me dit que les artistes ? qui tu as « vol? » l’art apprecieraient la mani?re dont tu l’as fait… tu ne fais pas que rendre compte de la cr?ation, tu te l’appropries, c’est l? tout l’interet de tes photos…


mardi, 2 novembre 2004

oui, je me l’approprie, je vole ;) mais c’est vrai que mon souhait apr?s ?a, c’est de leur rendre en images fixes ce que je leur ai vol

dire un truc ?