…like…would you love me better if i…well, no, of course, would you like me better, maybe…would you accept me better if…wouldn’t you ? aww, that’s not true. *shrug* what do you want me to say ? you’re not a fatalist now, are you ? no, that’s right…i mean i don’t have the energy for anything else…so there it is. i just don’t want to go alone…i could a few years ago, now it seems like…i know you’re going to love that. it’s about…i don’t know. adolescence. growing up. like you keep a candle lit at the window and you don’t know what it means. and at the end, it all explodes. always. i don’t know what it means either…so how does it feel ? it just takes so long. so much time. what do you keep in your hands at the end anyway ? i mean at the very end. it’s not that i’m lost. i mean not completely. aww, don’t be silly now. i swear that’s right. i got that sunset you know. i don’t know why…look, it all just seemed to…happen ? something like that. and why not ? but you’ve got time, right ? i don’t know why i didn’t want anything. call it whatever. yes, i do, sometimes…and i still miss that you know…it just would have been a mistake, don’t you like well-done clear mistakes ? maybe senseless, i don’t know. i know i am. are you so blas? about it all ? that’s not the point. it drove me nuts, not surprising if it did to you too. that teaches you humility, i mean you or anyone. do you have any idea how much time it will take ? they always say one at a time, i don’t want that. so ?…i don’t know…the more i want to live, the less i’m able to. what did it do to you ? you’ve changed…i don’t mind, i always end up fucked up anyway. you’ve changed…i mean not completely. so ? i swear that’s right. it just takes so long. i mean at the very end. are you so blas? about it all ? maybe senseless, i don’t know. something like that. it’s not that i’m lost. i could a few years ago, now it seems like…so much time. i don’t know why…that’s not the point. it just would have been a mistake, don’t you like well-done clear mistakes ? aww, don’t be silly now. what do you want me to say ? growing up. i don’t know what it means either. call it whatever. and why not ? i don’t mind, i always end up fucked up anyway. aww, that’s not true. *shrug* so there it is…

2 blablas sympas

vendredi, 12 novembre 2004

Growing up means learning from what’s behind you to deal with what’s in front. Some people do it better than others ? and some never achieve it!

Bon anniversaire! Je te souhaite tout plein de belles et bonnes choses!


dimanche, 14 novembre 2004

merci ! guess i need to learn that definition…and keep it in mind.

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