et puis, juste apr?s, le ciel s’est ?clairci au dessus des toits…

et seg van cleef descend lentement dans la rue sombre et poussi?reuse o? l’attend frank eastwood, la rue est deserte mis ? part trois gamins planqu?s sous un saloon et l’employ? de l’hotel qui porte la valise de Seg van cleef, la cam?ra le filme depuis les jambes ?cart?es de frank eastwood, l’employ? de l’hotel court ? l’int?rieur en criant pendant que frank eastwood fixe Seg van cleef de ses yeux verts per?ants.
Seg van cleef a aussi des yeux verts de chat qui se plissent en observant son adversaire et lentement, il s’approche de frank eastwood, ils se jaugent pendant un moment sans bouger, frank eastwood tourne autour de seg van cleef sans le l?cher des yeux, seg van cleef se retourne et frank eastwood d?cide alors de marquer son territoire, il ?crase longuement la botte noire immacul?e de seg van cleef en le regardant en face et ses yeux disent de mani?re fort subtile « c’est moi qui ait la plus longue ». le sang de seg van cleef ne fait qu’un tour, il regarde sa botte noire salie et son regard f?lin lui r?pond « et mon cul, c’est du poulet ? » et il ?crase concenscieusement la santiag beige de frank eastwood.

lire la suite »

a brief idea of what perfection means to me, because perfection is important, perfection means beauty and perfection is beautiful, in some way perfection is life and it’s important to talk about life sometime in the deepest and most profound way in a philosophical sense and it’s important to try to find the meaning of life, so ideas of perfection can be found in about everything, like some people would probably say god but i don’t agree so let’s go for something more simple with less metaphysics and divine stuff even though perfection is divine in some way but as god is possibly as drunk as i’ll ever be it would be silly to talk about anything divine right now, so let’s just talk about perfection and maybe you’ll think that i’m gonna tell things about art and beauty and photographs and little beautiful instants and being infinite and all but it’s really late, right ? so let’s go for something simple and easily understandable for me right now and right now my own private idea of perfection is this :

– holidays
+ friends
+ house in south france
+ wii

but of course, each item separately is in itself a little bit of perfection.
next time, i’ll talk about something even more serious and important, like fun according to kant and heidegger and the freudian implications of a ping pong match bare feet in the grass.

…and then, springs stops to be just another word for ‘sunny winter’ when you find yourself listening to old creedence songs you hadn’t heard to for years and dying to sing along very loudly at 4.40 am and the headphones cable is too short to allow you to dance outrageously in your apartment and scare your psycho-cat away.


(and yep, spring means being all gooey-cheesy and posting silly pics of flowers and trees and nature and mountains and sunny things and stuff)(but don’t worry, it won’t last)(i still need to watch casablanca meanwhile)

top 5 bitter-sweet movies that tragically tell stories of love & loss & love & regrets & love & things that make you cry when you’re out of chocolate & having your PMS or that really never make you even sigh because you’re tougher than that, yeah right.

5-vanilla sky
4-any movie with ingrid bergman
3-the good the bad & the ugly hana bi
2-the remains of the day
1-eternal sunshine of the spotless mind

top 5 rag-time jazz or blues thingy with or without piano that make you wish your tape player wasn’t broken

5-fats waller – laughin’ cryin’ rag
4-claude bolling – perfect rag
3-fats domino – blueberry hill
2-gershwin – rhapsody in blue – piano solo
1-wiener & doucet – chopinata

top 5 movies with gershwin & NY in them or not

5- notorious
4-any movie with katharine hepburn
3-high art
2-eternal sunshine of the spotless mind
1-annie hall

top 5 songs that make you want to film things and stuff and make weird musical videos mostly in your head and a bit on a computer just for the fun of it :

5-noir d?sir & yann tiersen – ? ton ?toile
4-interpol – NYC
3-dandy warhols – mohammed
2-landscape – we
1-carp – tokyo

top 5 leonard cohen’s songs that aren’t too dark but yeah, a bit still but not that much if you consider it…oh ok, just top 5 leonard cohen’s songs :

5-master song
4-stranger song
3-you know who i am
2-it seems so long ago, nancy
1-winter lady

top movie of all times that has gershwin & NYC in it and that tells tragically of love & loss & love again but without any leonard cohen song it in, which is just fine, otherwise maybe it would make you sob in your pillow and eat chocolate, or maybe not after all since there’s woody allen in it :