nick hornby – high fidelity ?
carson mc cullers – the ballad of sad cafe ?
carson mc cullers – reflections in a golden eye ?
jeffrey eugenides – the virgin suicides ?
JD salinger – the catcher in the rye ?
zadie smith – the autograph man ?
siri hustvedt – what i loved ?
virginia woolf – mrs dalloway ?
william faulkner – the sound and the fury ?
toni morrison – songs of solomon ?
vita sackville-west – the edwardians ?
isaac asimov – doorways in the sand ?
milan kundera – the unbearable lightness of being ?
ira levin – this perfect day ?

darn, can’t choose what i want to read after The Hours…
any suggestions ?

there are songs you haven’t listen at – not heard, really listening – for a long long time.
very good songs, though.

and one evening, like this one or any other, an ordinary evening of work at home, you find the cd where one of these songs is, and you play it.

as soon as the first notes of the song ring in your room, you feel a strong rush of calm excitment climbing through your spine. how could you have forgotten to listen to this song ?
and you start to sing, loudly, but not too loud, as not to cover the soft voice and mysterious course of notes.

it feels so blissful that suddenly, while you’re singing and still working, you burst out laughing, laughing so intensely that your laugh might just open your chest in two.
you stay transfixed.

and it lasts.
about forever.

or until the song ends.
and you play it again then, right away.

now close your eyes. feel the music. grin. intensely. you are alive.

this post was kindly brought to you by the side-effects of Sarah McLachlan – building a mystery (live)

vous vous foutez de la politique, et puis de toute fa?on vous n’y comprenez rien ?
vous n’avez pas vot? aux derni?res ?lections ?

vous ?tes plut?t rousseau que voltaire : « l’homme est un bon sauvage » ?

?a fait bien longtemps que vous n’avez pas pris le temps d’ouvrir un journal ?
d’ailleurs, vous ne lisez que l’Equipe ou les contrepeteries du Canard Encha?n? que vous empruntez ? votre conjoint(e) ?
vous n’avez rien compris de toute fa?on aux imbroglios des derni?res lois vot?es cet ?t? en douce sans parler des autres ?

la technologie de pointe en mati?re de d’?quipements de vid?o-surveillance est le cadet de vos soucis ?

ceci dit, il y bien des fois o? vous sentez surveill?(e)s, mais vous ne savez pas dans quelle mesure ?

il y longtemps que vous n’avez pas lu 1984 de Georges Orwell ?
d’ailleurs, pour vous Big Brother, c’est juste un genre de loft anglo-saxon ?

pour vous le CNIL, ?a veut dire : comit? national des illettr?s lobotomis?s ?
et « privacy international » vous para?t un nom sorti tout droit d’un roman d’anticipation ?

si vous avez r?pondu oui ? n’importe laquelle de ces questions, ou m?me dans le cas inverse, allez donc d?couvrir si ce n’est d?j? fait les « big brother awards », d?couvrez les fabuleux nomin?s fran?ais et pourquoi certains d’entre eux ont gagn? haut la main leur pr?cieux troph?e.

et juste apr?s, replongez vous dans 1984.
effet garanti. :|

info trouv?e chez NouS, le pr?cieux blog de Z et T. merci T.

– 1 – get to work in some kind of inevitable shop. like mine, of course. the main point in such a shop is first, to spot Cute Someones (aka « objects of amazement/drooling attacks/hypnosis »), second, to have Cute Someones spot you (which wouldn’t happen if you were, say, an underrated photographer working at home, right ?)

– 2 – finish your day early sometimes (wouldn’t you hate it if you didn’t have the time to get to talk because the shop is closing ?), wait for a coworker busy saying bye to everyone. (it looks optionnal, but it’s definitely not)

– 3 – spot your Cute Someone while waiting. spend five minutes looking just how well this cute ass fits in that cute jeans very casually, like no one will ever notice, which everyone does, of course. spend another five minutes (if your coworker is a big smalltalker) trying to get a glimpse at the face/lips/shoes/whatever.

– 4 – wait for Cutie to turn around and start to leave. get ready.

If Cute Someone recognizes you at this moment, score 1,000 points. (if not, try to recognize Cutie. if you can’t, either put your fate on bad luck, either sigh. or both.)

– 5 – Cutie may be undeniabely cute/gorgeous/CUTE/whatever, but figuring how and why this person knows you is another matter, so i suggest you spend a 1/10 second to play your whole life in your head like a movie in veryveryfast motion. stop the movie at university. second second year. worse class in the world. the Cute Student coming to talk to you for the first (and last) time and telling you that you were fa-sci-na-ting when you made your lecture about The Thin Red Line. you, blushing. Cute Student’s fa-sci-na-ted blue eyes.
superpose the images now. compare. process the results : the same, but hair shorter. voice lower, softer. smile broader.

– 6 – grin.

– 7 – until it hurts.

– 8 – stop grinning like a fool to reply intellegibly to Cutie’s joyful « hey-how-are-you-still-working-here-i’m-still-working-at-the-shop-next-door-and-how-are-
you-i’ve-bought-myself-a-great-video-camera »

– 9 – reply casually like Cutie is a long lost good friend you’ve shared hours of talks and laughs with. « fine, fine, leaving the shop, bla bla bla » (say the maximum information in the less time possible). ask how are Cutie’s studies.

– 10 – give a side glance to your coworker who’s now the one waiting, and mutter between your teeth, still smiling, something like « waitformeupstairsthanks »

– 11 – meanwhile, keep listening to Cutie’s ramblings about wanting to work on movies.

– 12 – time for plan A. first phase.

– 13 – ask, sincerely curious : « oh yeah, what kind of thing are you interested in ? sound ? image ? »

– 14 – wait for the answer : « script », and make yourself look like you’re actually thinking about something else than Cutie’s eyes/lips/ass/shoes/whatever.

– 15 – second phase : « look, i’ve got this friend who’s making a short movie at the end of march, she might still be looking for people, would you be interested ? »
watch Cutie’s eyes and smile become brighter as seconds pass. allow yourself to grin, too.

If Cutie asks your number right at this moment, score 10,000 points. (if not, go to final phase too.)

– 16 – believe strongly that Cutie wouldn’t be interested in just anyone’s project, so this positive answer doesn’t mean at all that you’re on the verge of being used. never doubt sincerely looking blue eyes.

– 17 – final phase : « sure, let me take yours too. i’ll let you know after i ask my friend, i’ll see her tonight. »

– 18 – wait till you have the number in your pocket, till you’ve said bye, see you later, let me know, i’ll call you for sure, till you’re climbing the stairs to pat yourself on the back. man, wasn’t that easy ? :D

any slight or obvious resemblance to actual past or present facts isn’t coincidental at all. everybody knows i don’t believe in coincidences

switcher sur A.S Dragon pour le th?.
imaginer qu’on n’est pas chez soi sur « mais pas chez moi »…
se dire que ce n’est plus la peine d’attendre de voir la neige tomber.