i picked up a boy at work and i met a girl and we ate the very best sushis. i met a french girl who was warm and happy. i told the boy why i hadn’t seen anyone in months and he understood. i met a dark haired boy who loved virginia woolf. i met an australian girl with a pretty face and the best accent. i met a french girl who loved art. i met a cute boy who was dressed in black. i met an austrian girl. i was invited to a birthday. i gave advice about photography. i got some mail. i was invited to a foreign country. i talked in english and drank and talked in french and drank and talked in english and drank again. i looked at the boy who’s my friend and i said i’m happy. and i really was happy.

i came home and erased so many things that it should’ve hurt. but i really was happy.

Eric Andersen – Violets of Dawn

i noticed a girl whose presence i had no intention or reason to really acknowledge by saying hi. i met a boy who asked me if i wasn’t macfly, by any chance. a girl told me this evening was sort of awkward and i understood but disagreed. i met a sicilian boy who was well on his way to have a foursome with his friends. i took some news of a girl who didn’t recognize my face but knew who i was. but i couldn’t find a boy i’d swear i’d seen ten minutes before and say hi. and i didn’t see the brown eyes i’d sort of expected to see. i guess it was sort of an awkward evening after all. feels like living ten different lives each day, let me blow out some more smoke, this was four hours or four lives ago, see, i’m not here, i wasn’t there.

it occured to me then : how can you tell what’s focused from what’s unfocused if all you see is a perpetual slight blur? just like in the movie i’d watched earlier tonight. sharpness makes blur even more beautiful. blur makes sharpness even more meaningful.
i threw my daily contacts away, it felt good and normal, except i couln’t see anymore what the old man far across the roofs and courtyards was doing in his livingroom around his table at 5.25 am.
i got up and went to the window to finish my cigarette. the night was incredibly clear, the rain clouds were vanishing in white curls far above the city, i thought that it might be a pretty morning tomorrow. only one room except mine was lit all around me, it felt like being the only humans alive in the world. from my window, i can see a lot of roofs, there’s a school and its courtyard and a large building with too many windows to count behind it. i looked at the other room lit: for the first time since a long while, i could see in it, the table in the livingroom and a old man looking at something on the table. he paused and arranged something then turned slowly around it. he sat down, got up and paused again. my cigarette was finished. i thought that maybe, i ought to buy myself pretty glasses soon. i left the window to take my daily contacts off.
i turned my computer off and quickly glanced at my window. i needed some fresh air. a text i wrote some weeks ago came back to my mind, i had been writing about the sharpness of things, of reality, i had thought that maybe it was a good thing that i couldn’t see properly and refused to wear glasses or contacts everyday, like to protect myself from the sharpness of things. i had been writing about possibles and impossibles, about things happening even though no one believed them possible but how you can spot an impossible from far before you can get slashed by it, with or without glasses. i’d been wondering why anyone would want to be cut again by reality when they’ve already experienced it and know for real how deep the cut can be. i’d considered that not correcting my vision was choosing what i wanted or didn’t want to see. or more precisely, preferring the word watching to the word seeing, not as a refusal of the reality, really, but more as a helpful distortion. does facing the bare reality one hundred percent of the time make it less ugly? not facing it doesn’t make it less ugly of course, but distorting it helps, i thought.
the thing is, i wasn’t all that sure about it now.
i came home slowly, looking around a lot, it all seemed strange and somehow perfect. the lights, the reflections on the pavements after the pouring rains, the compact mass of leaves, the streets and cobblestone, it all looked beautiful. then again, maybe it was only the lasting feeling of beauty of the movie i just watched.
we got out of the theater with the exhilarating sensation of having experienced pure beauty. we looked at each other with the same craving to make something as beautiful, whatever it would be. short movies, pictures, grain, tons of colours, whatever. it’s just the kind of movie that inspires deeply because it reaches so deep. with crisp images, strong warm colours and a lot of blur.
i got out of the subway under a pouring rain, i ran to the theater as fast as i could, it had been a long while since i last ran like that. i felt light, jumping across the large puddles, stopping a couple of time to escape the rain for a few seconds, then running again. i wasn’t even catching my breath when i reached the theater, how odd.
i put my contacts on just before leaving home, then i headed to the subway. the world was so sharp it felt eerie, the wet pavements were covered by a thick layer of leaves and they glittered under the street lights, i made a couple of pictures, focus on infinite.

je n’avais pas tout ? fait fini, non, j’avais ? peine commenc?. tous ces contours d?j? trac?s, le temps qu’il fallait pour observer, toutes ces lignes, ces pointill?s, c’?tait mouvant, ?a se confondait, des traits se faisaient, se d?faisaient mais au bout d’un moment c’?tait ? peu pr?s ressemblant. apr?s l’esquisse, il a fallu remplir, ?a n’?tait pas le plus compliqu?, j’avais le temps et la mati?re ? d?faut de l’art ou de la mani?re. j’ai fait apparaitre bien plus de d?tails, j’ai vu surgir une multitude de petits riens en apparence auxquels j’ai pourtant attach? la plus grande importance. ?a a pris bien plus de temps pour ombrer. trouver la bonne lumi?re, attendre, choisir la mine la moins dure puis gommer ?a et l? quelques asp?rit?s, quelques traits mal dessin?s, quelques angles cass?s, faire disparaitre et mettre en valeur le reste, c’?tait un jeu de reflets et d’ombres port?es. ?a commen?ait ? avoir de la gueule mais c’?tait loin d’?tre termin?. il restait tellement de retouches encore, il restait tellement de couleurs ? y ajouter, j’avais ? peine commenc? ? m?langer mes tons, ? d?gager sur la palette la couleur primaire et toutes celles qui en d?couleraient, je r?fl?chissait encore aux oppositions, aux contrastes, aux nuances n?cessaires ? apporter quand une d?charge ?lectrique m’a r?veill?e. en un instant tout s’est ?vapor?.
c’est un peu con. c’est d’autant plus absurde que je n’avais jamais su dessiner.
il ne reste qu’une ?bauche tourment?e, de grands coups de pinceau ? l’encre de chine, ma mani?re habituelle de peindre, du noir du blanc jet?s ? la h?te sur un bout de carnet. l’?lastique le maintient bien ferm?. c’est d?j? ?a.

les mecs, franchement, merci pour la soir?e d’anniv’ ! non s?rieusement, d?j? vous ?tes venus tous les 21… ou tous les 42 j’ai pas bien compt?. et puis tous ces ballons, tous ces kilos de confettis — muse peut aller se rhabiller –, je m’y attendais trop pas, vraiment, ?a m’a toute remu?e de l’int?rieur. sans parler des 3000 invit?s, wow, dans un z?nith en plus, ?a faisait un paquet de gens que je connaissais pas mais c’?tait sympa, tout le monde a dans?. vous venez p’tet de barcelone, mais vous connaissez plein de monde ici, c’est chouette. et vous avez beau avoir dit que c’?tait une soir?e sp?ciale parce que c’?tait le dernier concert de votre tourn?e, j’ai bien compris que c’?tait pour moi, en vrai. bref, c’?tait ?norme, m?me les mecs de la s?cu rigolaient et d’ailleurs tout le monde rigolait en dansant. bon c’est la femme de m?nage qui risque de faire un peu la gueule en voyant les 5 cm de confettis partout mais bon… en tout cas, les gens avaient l’air super heureux et pour un peu, je leur aurais fait une bise ? chacun pour les remercier d’?tre venus mais j’avais bu qu’une bi?re alors faut pas d?conner.
on se refait ?a ? l’occas’ ? vous connaissez la date maintenant hein !
j’vous b?cote, merci encore pour le meilleur concert de l’ann?e. le plus bord?lique aussi un peu…

i'm from barcelona or pluto
(i’m from barcelona – z?nith)