pierre grosse

demain, je pars l?.
enfin quand je dis demain… il est 2h17, je me l?ve ? 5h et quart pour mon train du tr?s tr?s t?t du matin.
enfin toujours est-il que je pars l?. demain ou tout ? l’heure.
j’ai cette photo depuis avril**.
?a fait pile-poil 20 ans que je suis all?e l?-bas pour la premi?re fois. dix ans pile poil que je n’y suis pas all?e.
je pensais ? ?a dans le m?tro tout ? l’heure. j’y pensais aussi en finissant mes boulots, en bouclant mes photos ces derniers jours.
mon sac est enfin boucl?, tout est enfin r?gl?. j’ai l’impression de partir au bout du monde pour une p?riode indetermin?e.
sauf que. quand je partirais au bout du monde pour une p?riode indetermin?e, j’esp?re que je n’aurais pas cette crainte de devoir revenir plus t?t que pr?vu, cette culpabilit? de m’absenter vraiment pendant plus de deux jours, pour la deuxi?me semaine dans l’ann?e.
marrant comme c’est dur de s’extirper…

bon voil?, demain je pars l?, enfin si j’entends mes r?veils.
bonnes vacances ? vous les gens si vous partez… sinon, je vous souhaite de vous ?vader quand m?me…

*(titre ?videmment du g?nie des Alpages de f’murrrrr)(si vous connaissez pas, c’est p?ch? mais ?a va pour cette fois, vous me ferez deux int?grales d’ici la rentr?e)
**(cr?dit photo : madame la proprio du ch?let, scusez-pardon-et-merci)

ps : et ceusses qui diraient que j’ai pris genre deux appareils photo sont rien que des mauvaises langues.
je suis pas arriv?e ? en prendre moins de trois.
et une cam?ra pour mes machins de je-sais-pas-bien-o?-je-vais-mais-on-verra-bien.
(tain des fois quand m?me, je me fais peur)

« tu baises bien..ne le dis pas a ta m?re »

je me demande ce qui est le plus effrayant :
1- qu’on tombe sur MON blog en tapant ?a dans google,
2- qu’on tape ?a dans google,
3- juste qu’on dise ?a tout court

(ab?me de perplexit

« son de teuf until until until until until until until until until »

c’est dingue, il y a des gens qui bugguent en googelisant des trucs…
?a fait mal ?
hmm oui je vois, ?a a l’air quand m?me un peu…

bon et bien puisque l’insomnie frappe ? la porte de mon sommeil prenant les jambes ? son cou et que morph?e s’est mis aux abonn?s absents apr?s trois heures de plomb dans les choux, je m’en vais vous me conter une histoire pour faire dormir les enfants pas sages,

donc grosso modo c’est l’histoire d’une fille qui buvait un verre de vin et puis qui en buvait un autre et puis qui…
ouais, non, pas celle l? en fait,

c’est l’histoire de la princesse au petit pois in da head
or doncques, dans une galaxie contr?e lointaine, il y avait ce prince qui point ne trouvait ? se marier et sa m?re qui avait d?cid? de le maquer une bonne fois pour toutes, non mais ho. ils firent venir une princesse et sa boite de petits pois f?tiche et vers?rent sa boite sous ses sept matelas en louced?. c’?tait une private joke ? eux fort ancienne et remontant ? la nuit des ?ges des temps. le lendemain, la princesse, ne trouvant plus sa bo?te de petits pois vint voir le prince et lui dit qu’elle avait fort mal dormi (sans doute parce qu’elle avait cherch? sa bo?te de conserve toute la nuit), comme quoi, mieux vaut un bon tranx?ne que des petits pois. bref, ce voyant, la belle-m?re tomba ? la renverse et en louanges de cette princesse si d?licate chieuse que m?me avec un sept vingt matelas , point ne trouva le sommeil. le prince rigola un bon coup et en tira un par la m?me occas’, tout ravi qu’il ?tait d’avoir trouv? enfin une vraie princesse chieuse. anyway en quatre mots comme en mille, ils baizairent comme des lapins se mari?rent et eurent beaucoup de petits vins blancs d’enfants.
moralit?, les princes ont le coeur noble et les princesses ont l’?me pure et l’esprit ?lev?.
et est bien mal qui ne profite jamais.
et rien ne sert de vieillir, il faut m?rir ? point.
et au royaume des aveugles tous les chats sont gris.

ouala, et ne me demandez pas pourquoi ce conte m’a toujours fascin?e, je n’en sais fichtre rien.

(bon ben c’est malin, je suis super r?veill?e maintenant…)(et j’ai faim)
(et tant qu’? faire j’ai retrouv? une chouette variante de ce conte sur le moleskine d’un des fr?res de moi : « la princesse au petit bois »)(oui ?a doit ?tre de famille)

it’s quite disturbing. that thought — rather a fact, really — that everything i’m doing is for nothing. quite strange as well how it didn’t hit me before, not with that strength anyway — which makes no difference all in all. i had this little voice all the time that would always start long monologues on how great it is and how beautiful if you just take the time to notice and how lucky i am and how awesome my friends are and how incredible it is that i never thought i was something of a good photographer but hey, i am.. the voice would always rant about that and the truth is, i’d never argue with it, i’d say yeah right for the sake of it, while being secretly pleased about what it said, you know like, never admit to any voice inside your head that maybe they’re right.
now i guess i’d be really, i mean, really happy if it came back, it would consider everything, and find some meaning to everything and more and it would ponder and all in all, it would say that i’m okay and that it’s what i’m going to be. okay. yeah right. i suppose there has been a switch at some point and the voice came back and i had all my yeah right prepared, but when it started ranting, it was pretty much like live alone, die alone, don’t ask. yeah riiiiiiight. now what ?
how can anyone argue with that anyway ? you live, you die. period. and in between… nothing you do will change anything. i suppose that one can always say that since it is pointless, since all in all it’s just a lot of energy wasted for just nothing, better waste it in the best way possible.
i don’t think it’s a bad point, i don’t think that the pursuit of happiness isn’t a nice goal, if happiness exists that is, but i don’t think that it’s merely enough. you don’t bring you happiness with you when you die, you don’t bring your money either, or your fame, or your carrier, you don’t resurrect, you don’t go to paradise, you don’t reincarnate, you don’t bring your art either or your love, well, nothing happens there, you die, you’re forgotten, people are sad for a while and bingo. that’s about it for you. you can’t fly, you fool, the voice keeps saying (yeah, being desperate sort of doesn’t keep me from making geek references), and we all know that so i totally admire our instinct of survival, that stuff that make us wander and wander and grab life by the throat somehow, all the while prentending that we have a clue.
alright, maybe you do. me, i know i don’t.

and i know just how coward it may sound when i say that i don’t see a meaning in what i’m doing. but i’m usually not talking only about my pictures because if only one person finds some meaning into it, who am i to say it never had one ?
i’m talking about an overall meaning — that philosophical stuff on which some brilliant minds have spent their life thinking. not that they ever had a clue either. and i’m not a brilliant mind anyway.
but i mean, really, just one tiny little meaning would be more than enough to me, one little thing that does make sense, that does have a point. and if that’s still too much to ask, one good thing that actually lasts. love doesn’t, no kind of love does. life doesn’t, of course. happiness doesn’t really exist, so i’m not counting it. kids grow up and become immature adults like me, kitten die, forests are cut into paper on which they publish pictures before people throw them away, favorite jeans get holes on the butt, incredible songs are overplayed and lose their magic, a shutter snaps in 1/60 second, feeling good only feels so because it’s a nice change from the usual, bikes get stolen, relationships change, memories fade away, film is replaced by digital, awesome books always have a limited number of pages, people die, and well, love doesn’t last…
the only thing i’m not too sure about is beauty. you’d think that of course it’s always there no matter what. but is it really ? like does it wait for someone to see it, and appreciate it, and feel it, and be overwhelmed by it ? or it is only there when and because there is someone to see it and appreciate it and feel it and be overwhelmed by it ? like if noone noticed it, would it still exist ? does it merely exist because we the only kind of animal able to feel it ? then i suppose it just doesn’t last either.
and since it never had a point anyway, like its sole purpose was to be pointless, maybe it shouldn’t be that hard to understand why i feel like everything i’m doing is for nothing.

so all we’re doing is doing a lot of things, working and trying to love and trying to communicate and trying to hold on things and people and trying to make art and going to concerts and movies and watching tv and reading and listening to music and going home and going to work and buying a ton of things and praying some drunk gods, all the while pretending that we have a clue or worse, hoping that it will all make sense, eventually.
like i said, i do really admire our instinct of survival.