i’m exercising a bit and swimming once a week,
and i’m possibly maybe going to date someone,
but is it really an improvement of my life ?
today’s soundtrack : the strokes – automatic stop
i’m exercising a bit and swimming once a week,
and i’m possibly maybe going to date someone,
but is it really an improvement of my life ?
today’s soundtrack : the strokes – automatic stop
* i’m just back from the photo shooting with radio 4.
with any luck, now my stomach is going to allow me to eat a breakfast and a lunch at last.
how’s that it’s almost dinner time ?
* i’ve read my Elle horoscope earlier today, and it said « some change is coming, if you’re single, get ready for L O V E… », then i went to read my yahoo horoscope but it said that « a new ‘love’ element is coming » this week and i’m thinking about wednesday night, and now i want to run to iceland and live in an igloo.
or something like that.
i think i’m going to get ready to be a sociopath. i don’t have the time or the energy for anything else.
* were michael and andrew really serious when they said without a single smile that they wanted to cover some eminem song sometimes ? especially after michael stated first that they didn’t make covers.
i’m lost in wonders.
* i’m taking the decision to download – in about ten years from now – some songs by avril lavigne, vincent delerm, indochine, britney spears, evanescence, the rasmus and the like, for a suckass-songs-ten-years-revival compilation.
if we’re still talking in ten years, please remind me to do it.
* six years ago, my best friend and i were gratuating from highschool, we wrote each other a note saying we’d meet in ten years from then, we set up a date and a place even. it was a bit cheesy, yeah.
i don’t remember what my note said to her, but hers says : you’ll make it, you’ll be someone, i trust you on that.
i’ve never forgotten our meeting plan, i wonder if she has.
and sometimes, i read her note, like her words of trust would help me to keep a promise that i’ve never made…
life is weird.
like, for instance, wearing a black tie and a white shirt at a party can raise de following questions from certain people :
* can i see you again ?
* where will you be on saturday night ?
* will you throw away my number if i give it to you ?
* will you call me ?
* please ?
just keep in mind that life is weird.
ou non, il est presque huit heures.
le soleil est d?j? bien lev?, bien haut dans le ciel.
d’ailleurs, il fait beau.
tout le long de l’avenue parmentier, ?a sent bon le pain chaud,
les pmu locaux ouvrent leurs portes aux premiers pochetrons qui tournent au ballon de blanc, ou pire au ricard d?s le matin,
?a sort de chez soi, encore chiffon? par les plis des draps pour hop, se jeter dans le m?tro et hop, au boulot,
ou ailleurs, ?a allume la premi?re clope de la journ?e avec le premier caf? de la journ?e,
chez moi, j’allume la lumi?re par acquis de conscience, enfin, plut?t reflexe conditionn?, mais je suis trop con, il fait grand jour, le soleil me pique les yeux, je ferme la fen?tre, je tire le rideau, il fait encore grand jour,
il est presque huit heures du matin,
est-ce que ?a va vraiment valoir le coup de me coucher ?
l’art, c’est l’ennui rendu productif.
l’amour, c’est des illusions avant d?sillusion.
la photo, c’est l’exhibition ?hont?e du produit de ses rapines visuelles.
la flemme, c’est l?, tout de suite, maintenant…