keith jarrett. the koln concert.
the night is clear.
i could die right now.

maybe i’m wrong.
maybe it’s wrong.
maybe i shouldn’t be pissed off,
maybe i’m being childish,
maybe i shouldn’t mind being treated like shit
when i thought i was a friend in the first place,
maybe i’m wrong,
maybe no one wants to understand,
or maybe i don’t understand,
maybe it will pass,
and maybe not,
maybe i will forgive,
as usual,
and maybe not, this time,
maybe i’m tired of being nice no matter what,
maybe i’m tired of being jerked around,
maybe it’s just me,
maybe i’m too sensitive,
maybe i’m too demanding,
maybe i expect too much,
maybe i shouldn’t expect people to give their best
like i’m trying to do,

maybe i’m wrong,
maybe only being a selfish brat is paying off these days,
maybe i shouldn’t wait for apologies that won’t ever come,
maybe i’ve wasted enough time already,
maybe i’m dumb,
maybe people who can’t meet my expectations can just go fuck themselves,
maybe my standards are too high,
so maybe i shouldn’t be disappointed after all.

yeah, maybe.
and maybe it isn’t my fault that people just suck…
go figure.

today has been the S day, S stands for a danish word of the 15th century that i can’t pronounce, not even if my life depended on it, like if i had a gun on my head or if i was on the verge to hang myself with the strap of my camera.
something like that.
this danish S word stands for everything shitty in my life, fine danish statistics prove it, and the conclusion we can make of these stats actually meet my own conclusion with my own stats.
there’s actually no known translations of this word, according to my danish experts, we know little about it, except that, when you have a S day, you’re as good as dead.
scary, huh ?

yeah, well, our researches on this dramatic matter show that only a very few people can have S days, it’s a very rare occurence of some facts that we still need to study meticulously to see if there’s a pattern of some sort, but nothing is obvious yet, facts need to be linked carefully before we can proceed to a worldwide warning.

how to detect a S day ? easy, first you’d have to be me, cause one could say that this kind of things could only happen to me. but if someday you have the feeling that your day starts fine and ends up shitty, that you have the feeling that some dark fate is catching up with you even when you don’t believe in fate, that you can blame it all on one thing, then you might be having a S day. if the case occurs to you, please let me know, for the sake of the danish and french research cooperation program on S day, aka DFRCSD.
and in any case, keep faith, S days happen only once a year or less, they only damage your brain seriously and make you write your usual nonsense, nothing that tragic as you can see, and remember, blame it all on S day…

that’ll teach me to allow myself to focus on someone instead of focusing on my work only, like i usually do.

actually, that won’t teach me anything, except maybe, to stop having crushes on cowards…

there are days when going back home at speed light is a matter of life or death.
sometimes it’s for good reasons
sometimes it’s not.

i’m chewing my nails until i’ll chew my fingers, but on the other hand, i’ve got a ton of work i was so eager to get done tonight.
ain’t life just awesome :|