what do you do when :
– you’ll never have the time to get your exhibition ready for the deadline
– your days are busy as hell and you can’t get a thing done
– everything is moving as fast as it can, and no matter what you do, you can’t seem to be moving as well, or at least in directions that would allow you to earn your living
– you’re too dumb to make the first move
– you find all your work, past, present and future so damn shitty
– you have no idea where you stand anymore
– there’s but one way to go : ahead, no matter how you feel, no matter where « ahead » really is
– you wake up every day with a solid ball of fear stuck inside your guts
– you can’t sleep at night
– you don’t know what’s the best of yourself, not where it’s gone if it ever was somewhere near
– you don’t even have time for most of your friends
– you write nonsense in your blog, in the foolish hope you can evacuate everything that way…

kill someone (who ?), kill myself (over my dead body), listen to good music (doesn’t change much), watch a really depressive movie (or make one) , get laid (ha ha), complain (and get my ass kicked for real), lose faith and hopes (and lose myself), call my mom (plus, she owns me money), shake yer tits shake yer dix (peaches power), start to chew my nails (ewwwww), write nonsense on my blog (and imagine readers reading it), make shitty pictures (as opposed to what ??), bite on my teeth (and find a good dentist), go to bed (and i mean now)…

i can’t think
i can’t write
and i can’t see.

it’s been a bad week…


i dunno how to get outta here, got lost in the way in, i’m sitting on a corner, watching everybody moving away and i’m feelin’ pretty dumb.
i dunno how to get outta here, i took the rights exits, and i turned around at some point, didn’t recognize anything, so i’m turning around in circles, watching everybody walking above me and i’m feelin’ pretty clueless.
i dunno how to see in here, i look at faces and shiny eyes, and people who know how to smile, i can’t tell anyone i like them, i can’t tell anyone i don’t like them, i can’t tell anyone to like me, and i’m feelin’ pretty ugly.
i dunno anything in here, never know how to learn, i can’t ask to hold a hand, i’m sitting head bent in a corner, knowing only how to stay quiet, and i’m feelin’ pretty useless.

another time, another place
oh well, okay…

hate work/pics as much as hate self allowed.
complain about it not allowed.
bite teeth and go to slaughter with cheerful smile instead.

yeah, well since it began, people changed the rules, so i’m changing them as well :

1- take the nearest book
2 – open it on page 130
3- find the 16th sentence.
4- write it down on your blog/lj as well as these instructions.

« it seems to me that if you place music (and books, probably, and films, and plays, and anything that makes you feel) at the center of your being, then you can’t afford to sort out your love life, start to think of it as the finished product. »

nick hornby – high fidelity.

(and what if the nearest book you find doesn’t have 130 pages and 16 sentences, you’ll ask me. well, if so, then it’s tragic, cause it means that you don’t have high fidelity near you, and you should be ashamed of that. :D)