non, tu charries l?, c’?tait pas vraiment tromper !
enfin, oui, il y a peut-?tre eu faute de ma part. bon. je le reconnais.
mais c’?tait pas tromper non plus, n’exag?rons rien.
ok, j’avais un peu bu. bon, et alors ? tout le monde boit, hein ?
d’accord, mais d’accord, j’admets, oui, mais tu comprends, c’?tait la soir?e, c’?tait juste…je sais pas moi, les circonstances, les gens, une bonne ambiance, la musique, tu comprends, bon, on s’entendait bien, et puis…une chose en entra?nant une autre…c’est vite arriv? tu sais, plus vite que tu ne le crois…et puis, enfin…c’est pas moi qui ai propos? non plus, hein, accorde moi ?a, j’ai pas fait le premier pas, c’?tait m?me pas vraiment ma faute.
enfin, j’?tais pas oblig?e non plus, d’accord…

et puis, bon, j’?tais pas en ?tat d’?tre tout le temps avec toi, c’?tait juste pas possible, je sais pas moi, ?a t’arrives jamais ?
enfin, quoi, merde, si on regarde bien les faits, quand m?me, honnetement, c’est quand m?me limite toi qui m’a tromp?e ! alors va pas dire que c’est ma faute non plus, j’ai bien vu ton petit jeu de passer de l’un ? l’autre, hein, tu crois que je suis aveugle aussi ?…

bon, alors, c’est qui qui a raison, hein ?? d?sol?e, c’est pas 100% pour moi, ok ?

mais ?a va, bon, c’est fait, c’est fait, c’est fini, on est bien ensemble l?, non ??
merde, tu me saoules ? la fin !!


bon, poussinette, une p’tite recharge de batterie et au dodo, hein ?

…et deux aspirines pour moi, siouplait :|

i guess there’s no need to be called night M. shalamalamanalalayan to see signs everywhere and deliberately want to lack of interpretations for them.
just some examples, which of course, only signify what i want them to signify :
– having cocoon crash on my near-stereo cd pile for about three weeks. if we consider that this pile mostly includes takes & mistakes, hail to the thief, ok computer, a whisper & a sigh, the american adventure, ten songs about you, little plastic castle, the optimist lp, and the park (yep yep ;)), and that i hadn’t been listening to cocoon crash for about 6 months…well…

– spending an afternoon at someone else’s place, doing nothing but talk and download music, just like when i was in junior high and it was wednesday…except that i’m supposed to work and it isn’t wednesday anyway.

– considering slacking this afternoon and go shopping – clothes, cds, books, whatever, anything that will nicely make my bank account go boom-kablooo??…

– having fun flirting with a 15 years old very handsome boy.

– wanting to buy an expensive set of 5 dvds, just because i know someone it’ll be fun to watch it with.

– trying to get two free entrances to a party in a nightclub tonight. if not possible, accepting a proposal for an evening at home watching dvds, talking about movies, helping fill a school application…

– being connected on msn about 20 hours a day, even when i’m not home, even when i’m working, even when i should be working.

– cleaning my flat every two days or so.

– making the resolution to call my ex to give back some forgotten stuff, after four months.

– making someone listen to a sound that only can hear for the very first time and watching reactions with a slightly sadistic smile, while saying : you just wait for the chorus, and then i allow you to melt…

– listening to until i’m fine right now. switching to weak, then to an old version of in your room, then…huh…well, the rest of the b-sides and rareties playlist including the most extraordinary live version of a sound… (lorelei 96, if you need to know)

– making coffee abuses.

– wanting to go outside to take pictures of nothing and everything…just because it’s raining. or sunny. or raining. whatever.

– switching to winners, live with a string orchestra. (2 meter sessies for the curious).

– getting up early.

– accepting to be driven quite insane.

i’d like a coffee and a kiss.

when i turned twelve, on what must have been a cold morning of november, after considering all the summer holidays i could possibly remember and what i had done and where i had been, i made the decision that my tenth year had been the best of my life, and all throughout my teenage years, and the summer holidays that followed, i did a pretty good job at making this belief true.

i suppose that’s where my autobiography begins, but i’m too lazy to write it, and i can’t write anyway.

i can’t actually remember much of that year when i was nine years old, and i can’t remember much of the summer holidays that preceded my tenth birthday, that’s why all i can do now is keep in mind that it was fourteen years ago.

learn to flirt outrageously.
sarah bettens’ voice isn’t going to do everything.