Press conference, before the meeting. Montreuil, february 3rd 2012
Press conference, before the meeting. Montreuil, february 3rd 2012
Nathalie Arthaud faces the journalists, after her press conference.
Nathalie Arthaud faces the journalists, after her press conference.
Nathalie Arthaud faces the journalists, after her press conference.
Nathalie Arthaud faces the journalists, after her press conference.
Nathalie Arthaud after her press conference.
Nathalie Arthaud and Arlette Laguiller pose for the photographers.
Nathalie Arthaud and Arlette Laguiller pose for the photographers.
Arlette Laguiller also faces the journalists.
Arlette Laguiller, on front of the campaing poster of her successor Nathalie Arthaud
In the little room, the two women talk before the meeting.
The militants clean the press room, after the press conference of Nathalie Arthaud.
The militants clean the press room
The militants clean the press room
The militants clean the press room
The militants clean the press room
Just before the meeting, Nathalie Arthaud has a microphone placed.
Arlette Laguiller, just before the meeting.
Militants welcome the two women singing the revolutionnary anthem "La jeune Garde"
Nathalie Arthaud and Arlette Laguiller face the cameras.
The two women arrive on stage
Militants of Lutte Ouvriere. during the meeting.
Arlette Laguiller makes the first speech
Arlette Laguiller during her speech.
During Arlette Laguiller's speech.
Nathalie Arthaud, during Arlette Laguiller's speech.
Nathalie Arthaud begins her speech under the applause and cheers of the crowd.
Nathalie Arthaud during her speech.
Nathalie Arthaud during her speech.
Arlette Laguiller during Nathalie Arthaud's speech.
Nathalie Arthaud during her speech.
Nathalie Arthaud during her speech.
Nathalie Arthaud during her speech.
Arlette Laguiller during Nathalie Arthaud's speech.
During Nathalie Arthaud's speech
At the end of the meeting, Nathalie Arthaud and Arlette Laguiller sing The Internationale with the militants.
End of the meeting.
Militants, at the end of the meeting.
Militants start to clean the hall, after the meeting.
Militants start to clean the hall, after the meeting.
The hall after the meeting.
The hall after the meeting.
First big rally of communist candidate Nathalie Arthaud for the french presidential election, in Montreuil, February 3rd 2012.
News | Tags: élection, politics, rally.
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