Jean-Luc Mélenchon, candidate of the Left Front party, at the end of his last rally, april 19th 2012.
Clémentine Autain, spokewoman of Jean-Luc Mélenchon, of the Left Front party, during his speech at his last rally, april 19th 2012.
Jean-Luc Mélenchon, the Left Front candidate to the presidential election, at his last rally, april 19th 2012.
Jean-Luc Mélenchon, the Left Front candidate to the presidential election, at his last rally, april 19th 2012.
Eva Joly, the ecologist party EELV candidate, at her last rally, april 18th 2012.
Daniel Cohn-Bendit, european ecologist deputy, at the last rally of the green party EELV, april 18th 2012.
Philippe Poutou, candidate of the anticapitalist party "NPA", at a rally, april 12th 2012.
François Hollande, socialist candidate for the presidential election, at his campaign HQ, april 11th 2012.
Nicolas Dupont-Aignan, candidate of his party "Debout la République", in suburb train station. April 3rd 2012.
Jean-Luc Melenchon, Left Front candidate to the presidential election, march 28th 2012
Eva Joly, the green party candidate, on march 27th 2012
Nicolas Dupont-Aignan, candidate of his party "Debout la Republique", march 25th 2012
Nicolas Dupont-Aignan, candidate of his party "Debout la Republique", march 25th 2012
Jean-Luc Mélenchon, Left Front candidate to the presidentiel Election, on march 24th in Paris.
Eva Joly, the green party candidate to the presidential election, march 24th 2012.
Nathalie Arthaud's speech, during a meeting her party, "Lutte Ouvriere", february 3rd 2012
Nathalie Arthaud, candidate of the Lutte Ouvrière Party, during the speech of her predecessor Arlette Laguiller. February 3rd 2012
Arlette Laguiller, former candidate (6 times) to the presidential election. February 3rd 2012.
Nathalie Arthaud speaks to journalists before her speech, february 3rd 2012.
Jean-Luc Mélenchon, Left Front candidate, at the Fondation Abbé Pierre. February 2012.
François Hollande is being "floured", february 2012.
Eva Joly, the Green Party candidate to the presidential election. January 2012.
Eva Joly, the Green Party candidate to the presidential election. January 2012.
Marine Le Pen, the extreme right "National Front" party candidate, on september 29th 2011
French presidential campaign – 2012
News | Tags: élection, France, politics, president.
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