The facade of the MNA, an eighteen centuries old castle in the center of Nogent sur Marne, from the parc.
Philippe Garouste de Clauzade, 92 years old, painter at the entrance of the MNA to send some mail.
Thérèse Marigny, 89 years old, former concert pianist, lives at the MNA for 6 years. Every day, she plays 2 to 3 hours of piano, Chopin's Nocturnes or Schumann's Lieders.
Thérèse Marigny, 89 years old, former concert pianist, lives at the MNA for 6 years. Every day, she plays 2 to 3 hours of piano, Chopin's Nocturnes or Schumann's Lieders.
Juliette Juillard, former painter, one of her sons and Thérèse Marigny, pianist, chat and have a juice in the afternoon.
Philippe Garouste de Clauzade, 92 years old, painter and Thérèse Marigny's older brother, still paints pastels in his room.
In the room of painter Philippe Garouste de Clauzade
In this eighteen centuries old castle, the art work of previous residents is on display in all the rooms
Philippe Garouste de Clauzade, 92 years old, in one of the common rooms of the MNA.
On the terrasse, facing the parc where residents can go for walks.
In the corridors, art work and paintings given by former residents to the MNA.
Philippe de Clauzade, 92 years old, painter and his sister, Thérèse Marigny, 89 years old, former concert pianist at Radio France.
One of the numerous old posters for the Artists lotto on the walls of the dining room.
Juliette Juillard, former painter and one of her sons, also an artist, have lunch in the dining room.
Juliette Juillard, 91 years old, former painter and one of her sons, also an artist, have a walk in the parc.
Juliette Juillard, 91 years old, former painter shows her paintings and drawings. Since the death of her husband, she stopped painting.
One of the sons of Juliette Juillard, former painter.
Juliette Juillard, 91 years old, former painter, in the middle of her room. She has Alzheimer's disease, but keeps her sense of humour "As long as I remember my name, that's what matters, right?"
Details in the room of Juliette Juillard, 91 years old and former painter
Kosmas Koronéos, 81 years old, philosoph and writer, lives at the MNA for one year, since the "departure" of his wife. He still keeps all his contacts and intellectual life outside the MNA.
A resident on the phone, inside her room.
Archive photo of Eliane Place, 89 years old, former canon-woman at the Bouglione Circus, and resident at the MNA
Archive photo of Eliane Place, 89 years old, former canon-woman at the Bouglione Circus, and resident at the MNA
At the Maison Nationale des Artistes, in Nogent sur Marne, the residents are painters, musicians, actors, sculptors. And with their great age, they keep a free spirit, despite the challenges of the years…
In 1943, two sisters, Madeleine Smith, painter and Jeanne Smith, photographer, give their beautiful seventeen centuries old castle, in the town of Nogent sur Marne, near Paris, to the state. The only condition ? That it would serve to house “artists and writers of both genders” and in need. The Maison Nationale des Artistes (National Artists House) is born. Since then, the initial goal has evolved, because the state fundings forces the director to accept non-artists residents. But the majority are still painters, sculptors, musicians… Everything here encourages them to continue their artistic activities. Exhibitions, cultural outgoings, and art-therapy workshops. “These are spaces to express themselves, in a free way, where art becomes more spontaneous than thought or reasonned, as it was when they were younger. The workshops maintain a pulsion of life for those who have deficiencies. This is where they feel free, where they exist, even when their words have no more meaning” explains psychologist Marie Deforges.
[Published in Causette #52 – january 2015]
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