Shepherds look at the Africa Mercy, in the harbour of Toamasina
The patients are first gathered in a warehouse near the ship, before being admitted in the hospital onboard.
Etienne waits to be operated of his cataract. He lost his job because of his disease
Etienne waits to be operated, with a malagasy translator.
Etienne during the operation for his cataract
A woman waits to be operated of the cataratc.
The day after, Etienne goes to a control near the ship.
At the entrance of the Africa Mercy.
Left, Dr Gary Parker, a facial surgeon specialist, is a volunteer for 28 years.
Dr Parker in an operation of a benign facial tumor.
Elise, a 30 years old physical therapist, is helping Erissa, 9 years old to walk after a leg operation.
Laure, a US nurse, talks with a malagasy translator.
The chaplain visits all the hospital wards every morning to pray and sing with the families and nurses.
Michelle White, deputy chief medical officer and Corne Blom, OR supervisor.
Annette Koning, generalist doctor and german volunteer.
Parents and families in the hospital wards.
Every afternoon, the nurses and malagasy translators and families, go on the deck 7 with patients to have some fresh air.
Captain Tim Tretheway, 59 years old, and volunteer for 28 years.
A doctor looks outside at the harbour.
Two medical personnel pray for a moment in the ship's cafeteria.
The volunteers children are taken care of by a group of mothers, all volunteers for years.
Petra Blom lives onboard for years with her husband and three children.
Ben, 18 years old, from Nashville, TN, is a volunteer for 2 months, before going to college.
Captain Tim Tretheway, 59 years old.
Doctors, nurses and volunteers have a break in the small swimming pool, made out of a container on the top deck.
Encouraging messages on the door of the hospital.
In the kitchens, malagasy employees and volunteers work together.
Maintenance work is made once the boat is in the harbour by local crews.
Maintenance and refueling.
Roland Decorvet, ex-CEO of Nestlé China is the executive directof the Africa Mercy.
The Africa Mercy in Toamasina
The hospital in Toamasina
In the public hospital of Toamasina, Mercy Ships crews finance the renovation of an aisle.
In the public hospital of Toamasina, Mercy Ships crews finance the renovation of an aisle.
The doctors office, at the hospital in Toamasina
The obestetrics OR in Toamasina hospital.
A patient will undergo surgery in Toamasina public hospital.
The old machines of the hospital
Post-op room at the public hospital in Toamasina
Post-op room at the public hospital in Toamasina
Sunset on Toamasina, the biggest harbour of Madagascar.
Owned by the NGO Mercy Ships, founded in 1978, the Africa Mercy is anchored on the east coast of Madagascar since october 2014. The former danish ferry will stay 20 months in Toamasina, in the country where healthcare is completely deficient after five years of policital transition. On board, 300 to 400 volunteers from 30 countries who stay for weeks, months or years and provide much needed medical care to the population.
This is the story of the biggest hospital ship in the world, where nearly 4000 patients have been take care of or operated.
[Published in L’OBS, february 2015]
Stories | Tags: hospital, madagascar, Mercy Ships.
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