bon, puisque mes stats ne marchent pour ainsi dire, pas, mais alors pas du tout, je vous propose de les faire manuellement.
alors, laissez un commentaire si vous atterrissez par ici, s’il vous plait, mentionnant :
IP, systeme d’exploitation, navigateur et version, pays d’origine, ville d’origine, adresse compl?te et num?ro de CB (avec date d’expiration, svp), votre age, taille, sexe (sans ordre particulier), marque de l’ordi et des sous vetements, ce que vous cherchiez sur google ? l’origine (genre ma soeur nue, photos peaches, harry potter, ou autre), si vous faites chou blanc ou pas dans votre recherche, si vous aimez montreal, et enfin, ce que vous pensez du dernier album des strokes.

voil?, c’est tout ce dont j’ai besoin pour faire des stats un tant soit peu ?labor?es et comp?titives.
merci de votre participation, on vous rappelera.


ps : et si vous voulez rajouter un autre ?l?ment valable, envoyez moi un mail avec pour objet : d?sol?, mais je pr?f?re Patricia Cornwell. merci d’avance.


[00.14 Edit] (for my american retard friend out there :p)(who’s also a canadian undercover, but that’s a whole other topic)(want a shovel for your hole, by the way ? :D)

anyhow, since this blog’s stats aren’t working at all, or so it seems, and since i believe my brother the magician must be tired of solving my computer problems, i propose you, yes you, honorable visitors of this unsignificant journal to help make the stats manually.

i’ll just need a very few informations, such as :
– your IP, system infos, browser and version, country, city, complete address, credit card number (with the date of expiration, pretty please), your age, size, sex (in no particular order), computer and underwear brands, what you were looking for on google that made you land here (like my sister naked, pictures of peaches, harry potter or any other), if you found what you were looking for in the first place, if you like montreal, and finally, what you think of the last record of the strokes.

it’s all i need to make elaborate and competitive stats.
thanks for your cooperation, we’ll call you back.


ps : if you feel like sending any other relevant information, please send me an email with the object : sorry, but i prefer patricia cornwell. thanks again in advance. you will be helping technology advance in a great way.

10 blablas sympas


Friday, 12 December 2003

from one of my favorite movies, drop dead gorgeous: “speak english, you stupid retard!” (said in a japanese accent) ou “parles anglais, you stupid retard!” (said in an american accent)


Friday, 12 December 2003

(i don’t really think you’re a retard. it’s just funny. ugh. i feel like i’ve dug myself a hole.)


Friday, 12 December 2003

ha !!! I LOVE that movie !! :D
and if i translate, do you promise you’ll follow the instructions ? :p


Saturday, 13 December 2003

merci beaucoup. (said like “mur-see boe-coop”


Saturday, 13 December 2003

two other things:

1. j’ai decide (affix accent mark over e’s) que je DETESTE francais (affix squiggly under c and double-check whether i need subjunctive or not). lol. i’m so fucking close to getting it but far enough away to not REALLY understand anything.

2. of course you can link me. just make it subtle.


Saturday, 13 December 2003

hum, let me think…you’d juste need to say “le fran?ais”, except that, you know that your french is perfect ;)
ha ! can’t wait to hear you practice it if you can come to france :D


Saturday, 13 December 2003

THE french. “i speak THE french.” how dumb. lol.

/me covers up her language insecurities by making fun of french.


Saturday, 13 December 2003

yeah right ! it’s just that our language is so much more sophisticated :p
on the other hand (to make things more complicated), you wouldn’t really say “je parle le fran?ais”, you’d just say “je parle fran?ais, ou anglais.”
now repeat after me : j’aime le fran?ais ;)
(next lesson : je viens en vacances en france :D)


Saturday, 13 December 2003

et tu repete: “je viens donner beaucoup d’argent a sara pour sa (son?) vacances pour apprendre le francais.” (ou quelque chose comme ca)


Saturday, 13 December 2003

LOL ! this is turning in brainwashing, eh ?
right now, the only thing i can do is send you a good bottle of wine for x-mas :)
now say that you guys will stay for a week in france at least, and i’ll find a way to avoid you any hotels costs. (oh well, i’d find a way even for a couple of nights ;))

dire un truc ?