it always takes a while until i can finally close my eyes.
i’m not sure that the pills work that much on my body.
not anymore. but if i believe that they do, if i strongly make myself believe that they do,
they will, eventually, won’t they ?
it is reckless, this lack of sleep is,
and my book lays on my (never quite made) bed like an abandonned lover, open on page eighty-eight when october comes. i know the end already, the girls kill themselves. the movie had left me clueless, its etheral beauty had left me numb. numb and clueless. so i’ve bought the book. but i’m still guessing, trying to point out something, looking for a word, for the words, and here i am, at page eighty-eight, when october comes.

i roll myself another cigarette, even when the previous one was supposed to be the last. the glue of the thin paper that i lick delicately has a sweet taste, too sweet. i drink some water.
i wanted silence, right ?
i needed silence. but my computer has an incessant metallic noise, that i usually cover up with some music.
for how long hasn’t it been completely silent in my room ?
so silent that i can’t hear myself breath ?
when i’ll turn it off, i will have the same sensation of deep comfort that i have at the end of the days at the shop, when i have my usual headache and that i feel more than i hear, the exact moment when the buzz of the air condition is turned off. suddenly, the shop isn’t a rush of customers hurrying toward the counters anymore, suddenly, the space is wider and more compact at the same time, suddenly, i feel that i can breath again, and that my headache might not be too bad.

the end of the day. i long for it as much as i fear it. the end of my days look all the same. i choose one last song, play it, press the keys that will make my computer shut down after it ends. i choose slow songs, mostly. maybe i still crave for one of the bedtime songs that my mother would sing me, not often, when i couldn’t sleep. she stopped when i was six or so.
i never asked again.

then i start to undress, not even bothering to look for a t-shirt. the metallic noise stops at last. i turn out the lights and roll myself in my blanket.
and this is when, exactly when i begin to think. about anything. about everything. minutes and hours drop silently in the darkness of my room, like water from a tap, and i’m still thinking. about anything. about everything.
i can’t close my eyes entirely until they burn, and i know that it’s not the end. not quite. not yet.

my cigarette is coming to its end. from beyond my eyes, i feel a headache coming, slowly, precisely, like yesterday, like the day before, and like the day before that one, too. always different, always the same. at some random time and various intensity.
a bar of burning iron enters in my skull from my left temple and stops just between my eyes, and my forehead is squeezed, i can imagine the pressure making my brain melt and my head explode, the blood splattering my walls and the picture of my grand-mother.

i’m taking two more pills.
i’m not sure that the pills work that much on my body.
not anymore. but if i believe that they do, if i strongly make myself believe that they do,
they will, eventually, won’t they ?

sans technique talent, un don la chance n’est rien qu’une sale manie.


nick hornby – high fidelity ?
carson mc cullers – the ballad of sad cafe ?
carson mc cullers – reflections in a golden eye ?
jeffrey eugenides – the virgin suicides ?
JD salinger – the catcher in the rye ?
zadie smith – the autograph man ?
siri hustvedt – what i loved ?
virginia woolf – mrs dalloway ?
william faulkner – the sound and the fury ?
toni morrison – songs of solomon ?
vita sackville-west – the edwardians ?
isaac asimov – doorways in the sand ?
milan kundera – the unbearable lightness of being ?
ira levin – this perfect day ?

darn, can’t choose what i want to read after The Hours…
any suggestions ?

there are songs you haven’t listen at – not heard, really listening – for a long long time.
very good songs, though.

and one evening, like this one or any other, an ordinary evening of work at home, you find the cd where one of these songs is, and you play it.

as soon as the first notes of the song ring in your room, you feel a strong rush of calm excitment climbing through your spine. how could you have forgotten to listen to this song ?
and you start to sing, loudly, but not too loud, as not to cover the soft voice and mysterious course of notes.

it feels so blissful that suddenly, while you’re singing and still working, you burst out laughing, laughing so intensely that your laugh might just open your chest in two.
you stay transfixed.

and it lasts.
about forever.

or until the song ends.
and you play it again then, right away.

now close your eyes. feel the music. grin. intensely. you are alive.

this post was kindly brought to you by the side-effects of Sarah McLachlan – building a mystery (live)

vous vous foutez de la politique, et puis de toute fa?on vous n’y comprenez rien ?
vous n’avez pas vot? aux derni?res ?lections ?

vous ?tes plut?t rousseau que voltaire : « l’homme est un bon sauvage » ?

?a fait bien longtemps que vous n’avez pas pris le temps d’ouvrir un journal ?
d’ailleurs, vous ne lisez que l’Equipe ou les contrepeteries du Canard Encha?n? que vous empruntez ? votre conjoint(e) ?
vous n’avez rien compris de toute fa?on aux imbroglios des derni?res lois vot?es cet ?t? en douce sans parler des autres ?

la technologie de pointe en mati?re de d’?quipements de vid?o-surveillance est le cadet de vos soucis ?

ceci dit, il y bien des fois o? vous sentez surveill?(e)s, mais vous ne savez pas dans quelle mesure ?

il y longtemps que vous n’avez pas lu 1984 de Georges Orwell ?
d’ailleurs, pour vous Big Brother, c’est juste un genre de loft anglo-saxon ?

pour vous le CNIL, ?a veut dire : comit? national des illettr?s lobotomis?s ?
et « privacy international » vous para?t un nom sorti tout droit d’un roman d’anticipation ?

si vous avez r?pondu oui ? n’importe laquelle de ces questions, ou m?me dans le cas inverse, allez donc d?couvrir si ce n’est d?j? fait les « big brother awards », d?couvrez les fabuleux nomin?s fran?ais et pourquoi certains d’entre eux ont gagn? haut la main leur pr?cieux troph?e.

et juste apr?s, replongez vous dans 1984.
effet garanti. :|

info trouv?e chez NouS, le pr?cieux blog de Z et T. merci T.