(still on the same cd full of images i never worked on and showed before. maybe some pictures need the same maturing process as people, and it feels awesome to find them now.)
(still on the same cd full of images i never worked on and showed before. maybe some pictures need the same maturing process as people, and it feels awesome to find them now.)
it feels awesome for some of us, too (or maybe just me ;) ). that sure looks like a soft surface.
And through the life force and there goes her friend
On her Nishiki it’s out of time
And through the portal they can make amends
Hey would you say whatever we’re blanket friends
Can’t stop what’s coming
Can’t stop what’s on its way
bah, tu vois, tu l’as parfaite, cette toph pour Moleskinerie.com ;)
Tu ne pourrais pas retoucher les fautes d’orthographe avec Photoshop avant de publier tes photos ?
sara -> i’ve come to realize that a picture is just a picture, no matter what. it’s like working with a friend, and learning to dissociate the friendship and the work relationship…
-> beleg, c’?tait po un moleskine ? l’?poque et pis, je veux po copier sur toi, j’attendrais un peu, hehe
-> OC, lol, ah bon, parce que j’en ai fait ?? t’as de sacr?s bon yeux ;)
You’re right about the maturing process for images. Sometimes I need several weeks in order to make sense and understand some of my own work. Lovely images here. Nice work.