i turn down the music a bit, i can’t concentrate anymore to write and read with music for a few weeks, i don’t know how come. maybe just another change. maybe i just can’t concentrate at all anymore, except on pictures.
i don’t have much time to do anything else anyway.

i’m out to make concert pictures twice a week, sometimes more. i run to the lab and back twice a week to drop and get the films, praying every time that my debit card will accept it. i count how much money i haven’t got 60 seconds per minute. i work for friends on week ends. i meet with my editors. i try to go to see exhibitions. i’m giving up going to the movies ever again. i baby-sit a cool kid sometimes to pay for my cigarettes. i spend the rest of the time working on the pictures, writing emails, wondering if i’ll ever find the time to update my website, worrying about not knowing where this blog is going, trying to eat proper food and chasing insomnias…

i’m not complaining though. this is only the beginning, and i’m facing the other side of learning. the past year has been a bliss, somehow. i made pictures mostly for myself, i figured out that everything would come sooner or later, if i was patient enough, if i put enough passion in what i was doing, and for a year, i found some peace in the idea that the changes would come later, that i didn’t need to learn anything besides how to be better with photography.
everything was broken already, or on the verge to be broken. i just had to build something else and find some confidence in creating new things, in inventing what i wanted my life to be.
i’ve shed some more skins, i’ve lost what i had to lose, and i’ve watched the roads behind me getting slowly darker and darker, until the only attractive lights were right in front of me.

now i don’t know.
i’m going to have a cat, i’m paid to make pictures, i’m published, i have deadlines, assignements, editors, requirements to meet, i need to improve my writing, i need to concentrate twice as much for everything, i need to define priorities, i need to learn a lot more about the job i’m paid for, and i also need to be a bit good at it, and not just good enough for myself, and i need to stop being just an asocial brat…

it was easy to say i don’t know some time ago. it was easy to say i will learn this and that later. now i’m supposed to know more, and i’m supposed to learn now and give it a try now, i’m supposed to see for myself how things work, i’m supposed to try those brand new wings, aren’t i ?
but now that i’ve started again to build new things, i’m scared like hell to break them. because i’m careless, because i didn’t pay attention, because i took for granted, because i’m afraid not to know, because i’m afraid to move in the wrong direction, because i’m too proud to accept to fail, because sometimes, things break themselves and you don’t know why, and you can try to blame the cat or the wind or whatever and it still wouldn’t explain the whys and the hows.
i wish that i could stop to say i wish i knew, and just know. i wish i could stop to say i wish i dared and just dare. i wish i could just stop to say i wish whatever.

still i wish i could just go on, and stumble if i have to, and still go on. no matter what. because i can laugh now at what made me worried and sad just a few months ago.
but why is it that growing up seems like a impossible task when it isn’t merely an option anymore ?

and i feel that i just keep repeating the same things to myself periodically. you’d think that after a while it would be assimilated, but obviously not…

soundtrack : krezip – i would stay

tigan superstar

j’en connais une qui va passer sa life ? emmeler les cables du modem/tel/chargeur de tel/zap/souris, marcher sur le clavier quand je bosse et renverser mes piles de cds ; une qui va passer sa life ? tout tenir bien propre et rang? chez elle et une troisi?me qui pourra venir voir la premi?re en discutant boulot accessoirement avec la deuxi?me…

– All? juliette ? c’est L. bon alors tu vois qui c’est F. ? non, bon, il a recueilli des p’tits chatons et…
( non, je ne veux pas entendre ?a, haha, on ne me la fait pas ? moi)
– … leur m?re est morte, ils devaient ?tre piqu?s mais ils les a sauv?s…
( je sais o? tu veux en venir, mais c’est niet, no way, pas moyen, je ne veux m?me pas ?couter, d’ailleurs je suis occup?e, je ne fais pas attention, je ne suis m?me pas l?, lalalaallalaalaaaaaaa)
– …et…je sais que tu h?sitais ? avoir un chat…
– hrum.. heu…ouimaisnonc’estpaspossiblec’esttroppetitici, j’enseraiindignejepeuxpasc’estpaspossible.
– ooh allez -ju, c’est tr?s bien chez toi, s’il est habitu? d?s tout petit..
– maiheuuuu…je saurais pas m’en occuper, pis c’est trop petit, pis j’habite au 7e ?tage et je veux pas qu’il saute pas la fen?tre tu comprends, je la laisse toujours ouverte, et pis c’est le bordel, il va se perdre, il va se faire mal…
– non mais c’est pas con non plus un chat hein. tu mets juste un petit grillage devant ta fen?tre, et puis au d?but il sera trop petit pour monter sur le rebord.
(non, je ne veux plus entendre parler de ?a, aaaaaack !! dieu si tu existes fais que je sois forte devant cette ?preuve que tu m’envoies dans ton immense mansu?tude et cruaut?) maiheuu…faut que j’ach?te un bac et de la bouffe et tout et…
– ooh arr?te, ?a co?te rien…allez va voir la photo sur internet tu verras, ils sont troooop mignons, si j’en avais pas d?j? un, j’adopterai un des deux. allez va voir…
(waaaaaaaaaaaaaah…non, pas la tentation ultime) mais je saurai pas m’en occuper c’est s?r…me fais pas ?a, je peux pas…
– mais ?a s’occupe tout seul un chat, ?a a juste besoin de nourriture et d’amour. allez, va voir…
(gllp, dois-je cliquer ??)
– et puis j’ai toujours pens? qu’il te fallait un chat, que t’irait tr?s bien, solitaire comme tu es…
– hrum…ma m?re m’a dit la m?me chose la derni?re fois qu’elle a essay?. (bon…je clique, on verra…)
– aaah, tu vois ? allez va les voir, ils sont trop !!!
– waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, ils sont trop mignons !! (ok?, c’est bon je suis foutue)

– tu vas l’appeler comment ?

il est 15h26, nous sommes le lundi 4 octobre 2004 et moi, juliette robert, vais avoir un chaton.
la fin du monde approche ? grands pas.

il me tarde grave.

me faire moine bouddhiste et passer le restant de mes jours dans une lamasserie tib?taine,


aller ? la fnuck et me rendre ? eux pieds et poings li?s pour une dur?e ind?termin?e.


your last words will not be heard,
there are too many of them, no one deserves,
i don’t need your love,
land mines, hiding your lines, too many maps, and not enough signs,
i don’t need your love,
so light the way, so wide awake,
cause in my dreams i’m dyin’,
and wait for light, and kill the night,
but is it worth me tryin’,
a deep breath out on the steps,
it’s only air that you feel in your chest,
i don’t need your love,
okay, you’ve staked your claim,
it’s only blood you have in your veins,
i don’t need your love,
so lie awake, wide awake,
cause in my dreams i’m dyin’,
the sun will rise, the moon will die,
but is it worth me tryin’,
it’s so late, but where will you stay,
it makes no difference, cause it’s all a dream,
and tomorrow i wake, tomorrow i wake, makes no difference,
makes no difference,

lie awake, time will take,
all the dreams worth dyin’,
close your eyes, the moon will sigh,
is it worth me tryin’?

beulah – don’t forget to breathe