
can you remember how it was ?
can you remember how it was to start to discover a foreign city ? how we had only heard of it, and how we had the chance to get to know it. how we travelled for quite some time before we reached it. how excited we were.
how strange it was at the beginning, do you remember that we thought we wouldn’t need street signs ? do you remember how it was to get lost and never want to find our way back ?
can you still remember how we wanted to visit everything, to know every use and habit there, to find every little thing we’d call beautiful ? can you remember how impossible the task was in reality ?
can you remember how we settled down there, how we built our habits in the neighborhood we knew best ? do you remember that we forgot to keep making discoveries, to keep looking around like the first time, to keep seeing the invisible to other people’s eyes ?
do you remember how the city changed when we were to busy to notice ? can you remember how suddenly we couldn’t recognize it ? how different it was from the city we’d once known ? how cold we thought it had become ?
i know i do.

do you remember the day we left, the couple of tourists who asked us directions, can you still remember the excitement and wonder in their eyes ?
i know i do.

soundtrack : herman d?ne – expect the unexpected

4 blablas sympas

vendredi, 17 décembre 2004

un jour j’irai ? new york avec toi…

vendredi, 17 décembre 2004

mince, je lis ? rebours, et pas les titres.

c’est pas NYC… bah, si tu veux on ira aussi.


vendredi, 17 décembre 2004

Il ya quelques jours j’ai ressenti ce manque de ne pas connaitre l’anglais, aujourd’hui ?a me le refait, quelle chiotte, tu rentres quand?


samedi, 18 décembre 2004

fr, oui, c’est pas NY celle l?, c’est londres ;) en m?me temps, ? choisir entre les deux villes, je crois que je pr?f?re new york.

et didier, je suis rentr?e de londres, c’?tait un petit voyage ?clair. et d?sol?e pour l’anglais, ?a m’arrive par phases…et je ne suis pas bien s?re que ce soit m?me compr?hensible pour ceux dont l’anglais est la langue maternelle.

dire un truc ?