minimum serious

minimum serious – le trabendo – 29/09/04

interpol unreleased

interpol – la boule noire – 21/09/04

snow patrol

snow patrol – la cigale, festival des inrocks – 07/11/04

rainy day insomnia

a tight rope of hope has bound my hands, i open my eyes, it seems like the ceiling is spinning fast, i’m not drunk i laugh, there is a yellow clock i’ve stopped and hung on the wall, outside i don’t know i don’t count anymore, i just walk and walk often eyes closed, i wait for the white scarf to blind me again and then, maybe i’ll choose to open them. i’ve finished to read all the words i’ve scribbled on my ramparts with the black paints i was given, i’m going to need to erase them and start all over again, i like pointless tasks now, i like being away cause i don’t need to be anywhere, all green and quiet while i watched worlds collapse, a few seconds after we were everywhere i haven’t been that nothing for ages.

a tight rope of hope has bound my hands and half the sky is pouring in, i know i could use a few clouds as blankets but i’ll wait and maybe use myself as a bait instead. it’s odd not to move for a long time, i’m a little off too now, i’ll be looking for the center sometimes later, i have to find the extremities first, it helps not falling in one side or the other. the night was coming so i lit a candle for another step, it’s a bit like walking on water, except i’m not walking and this is my head, inside out and creeping to the end with a tight rope of hope binding my hands, i’m sort of praying that i’ll fall asleep.

soundtrack : her space holiday – something to do with my hands


can you remember how it was ?
can you remember how it was to start to discover a foreign city ? how we had only heard of it, and how we had the chance to get to know it. how we travelled for quite some time before we reached it. how excited we were.
how strange it was at the beginning, do you remember that we thought we wouldn’t need street signs ? do you remember how it was to get lost and never want to find our way back ?
can you still remember how we wanted to visit everything, to know every use and habit there, to find every little thing we’d call beautiful ? can you remember how impossible the task was in reality ?
can you remember how we settled down there, how we built our habits in the neighborhood we knew best ? do you remember that we forgot to keep making discoveries, to keep looking around like the first time, to keep seeing the invisible to other people’s eyes ?
do you remember how the city changed when we were to busy to notice ? can you remember how suddenly we couldn’t recognize it ? how different it was from the city we’d once known ? how cold we thought it had become ?
i know i do.

do you remember the day we left, the couple of tourists who asked us directions, can you still remember the excitement and wonder in their eyes ?
i know i do.

soundtrack : herman d?ne – expect the unexpected